Street Fighter 3 goodness :)

wow - not sure about the second link, but I've never played Q. The first one - was that a "Hail Mary", where he mashed the jab button and prayed for the best, or did he intentionally do that? Most impressive.
Don't ask me mate :) - I grew up with SF2, and usually get my ass handed to me by someone who knows what they're doing in SF3.

I'm also shite at parrying - which is why that second link impressed me so much. Parrying every move in a super, while you have zero health, in the last round, with the crowd going nuts, takes some serious skill.
That second video was awesome! I just keep watching it over and over.
Warbie said:
Don't ask me mate :) - I grew up with SF2, and usually get my ass handed to me by someone who knows what they're doing in SF3.

I'm also shite at parrying - which is why that second link impressed me so much. Parrying every move in a super, while you have zero health, in the last round, with the crowd going nuts, takes some serious skill.

yea if he would have tried to block those attacks from Chun Li he would have died.

I've been playing street fighter since Street Fighter 1 and 2 in the arcade. (since about 1990) nearly 16 years

I have Capcom Vs. SNK 2 EO for Xbox live, where I got to about 1000 in the world, but i still fought people who were ranked like 20th and 50th in the world and could beat them sometimes.

The thing is though, with this game, there was no penalty for quiting the game, so nearly everytime i won, they would just quit and i don't get any credit.

such bullshit-- i can't belive capcom would do such a stupid thing. If you quit then you should lose! instead, if you quit it acts like you never even fought! needless to say i got tired of all the sore loser cheaters and stoped playing.

I can only dream that Capcom will release another Online game that will give me credit for my wins.

One of my top 5 favorite video game series of all time!
indeed lol, blocking a combo, nice!, and finishing it off like that, simply supreme
I can't stop watching it... addicting in some weird way.
Chun Li always gets owned.

... nice tits though.
Ya, some crazy people play these games. INSANE Skill.
that second vid is INSANE!

damn i used to paly SF2 all the time back in the day...wasted alot of my lunch money too. its all about guile and the invisible throw.
OMG! that second video makes me fuzzy inside! :D

Would have loved to have been there for that moment!, geek madness :)
finally some fellow SF3 fans :stare:
been playing this game since march/april and ive yet to get bored of it.... although finding equal opponents is growing harder and harder :P
my fav characters are ryu and dudley
right now im able to parry many of the simple supermoves like akumas fireball and such .... but NOTHING like that second video though, thats impressive.. especially under so much pressure

anyone looking for a fight sometime, just PM me :P :P
I've got a SF2 CE arcade game taking up a corner of my living room. Roots! Samurai Shodown II and Vampire Savior were my favorites before I got out of the arena-style fighting games. Mortal Kombat and Tekken ruined it for me. Man, I long for a well-stocked arcade with a decent LAN. You know I stumbled across a LAN arcade in San Francisco and he only had two games available on like nVidia GeForce FXs? One was HL1 and the other a racing game. This guy had frickin' real estate in San Francisco and this was his excuse for a LAN arcade! Anyway, you ever notice in department stores that carry and display video games that whenever an arena-style game cabinet is on display with old game choices available, there will invariably be two kids doing the same Ken and Ryu fireball routine in whatever iteration of the Street Fighter canon is on? I never played those characters in the game for that very reason.
Heh, I would've thought by now everyone had seen that Daigo video. Pretty ballsy stuff, I will admit, however parrying in Street Fighter 3 is actually damned easy. The timing is so lenient that you can tap forward...wait...wait...enemy attacks you and it still parries. I play P-groove in CvS2 and parrying in SF3: 3rd Strike is laughably easy in comparison. The 3S parrying window is HUGE. Trying to parry houyokusen (Chun-Li's kick special) in CvS2 is a wildly different beast. If you have trouble parrying in SF3, play P-groove for awhile...even if you never get good at it, you'll go back and play 3rd Strike and dominate.
Adabiviak said:
Roots! Samurai Shodown II and Vampire Savior were my favorites
Props because nobody realizes how great Darkstalkers, Vampire Hunter, and Vampire Savior were. NOBODY! Also, Genjuro for the win.