Street Fighter Zero Two


Mar 22, 2005
Reaction score
I know it's a really old game, and I've lost the cd ages ago, but does anyone know the key combination to use the Hadouken? I remember sitting in front of my Win95 when I was 6 trying all sorts of key combos but I never figured out how to use it :( It's been almost a decade since, and I still haven't figured out how to use the Hadouken. Would someone please help me put this issue to rest and tell me what the key combination is...

Edit: I think it's known as Street Fighter Alpha 2 in the US.
It must be down+right+punch. It always is. For everything. Ever.
thats mortal kombat - which in the arcade had a strange arcade stick that didn't allow you to roll the stick

there should be a better place somewhere on the net for a more complete moves list. you will have to find it yourself.

ive been playing Street fighter since the atari home computer - like 18 years
its a pain to describe how to do special moves with ASCII

here is one i found for you. if you look at your 10-key number pad on your keyboard that has the arrow keys, thats what the numbers represent. for example 3 would be down-diagonal and 6 would be right

this is a 8 way joystick game (like a gamepad)

I cannot immagine trying to play this game with a keyboard, that would be like playing bowling with a square shaped ball. It just doesn't work right.

The combination for the fireball is down, down-forward, forward, PUNCH in a smooth rotation of the gamepad.

a 1/4 of a circle rotation followed by punch.

you press punch just after you complete the move on the direction pad. the harder the punch, the faster the fireball. Fierce punch is the fastest.
Me and my friends used to call the hadouken the harryboomshit.

Still makes me giggle. Probably because I'm a fool.

So this is on PC eh? Like VirusT2 said, probably best searching out a moves list on the net. Tried at all?
If you don't know that a Hadouken is down-right-punch then you deserve to be sonic boomed in the crotch!
*Holds back for 3 seconds, presses forward and punch*

S0NEC B00M!!1!!
That's my favourite SF game. With Akuma try w. punch, w. punch, forward, w.kick, str. punch (quickly) for his Raging Demon. Classic.

If you're having trouble with Hadoken, then you're gonna suffer trying to do any super combos or anything like that, especially ones like Zangief or Sodom's ones where you need to do 2 full circles on the d-pad before hitting punch. So yeah, keyboard is ridiculous, get a pad.