Strider Goes into Wall

Oct 12, 2004
Reaction score
Okay, now ive beaten hl2 over and over. But playing through it this time, on the "follow Freeman" level when ur in the long tunnel and on one end u have a combine soldier shooting at u and as u walk closer a strider busts through the wall behind u and comes running at u, now it used to crouch and run real fast at me. But now what it does is stand completely straight up and just walks, and his head is through the roof and it just ruins the moment cuz he doesnt shoot at me until he gets to the end of the tunnel since he cant shoot through the roof. Anyone else have this problem, if so can i fix it. Validated steam files and that did nothing. and it wasnt just a ONE time thing, everytime i play that part it does it now.
I have had that problem almost every time I went through that section. I have found that it happens whenever you reload back to that tunnel, before the strider appears. Reloading from a *slightly* earlier save (like to the square outside the Nexus building) should fix it.
nope, it does it every single time i get to that area now, today i started at the first scene in follow freeman and it still did it. :(
ok, try:

#1 ai_norebuildgraph = 1
#2 dlls in bin folders are screwed (you already did this)


#1 quick save and load or ai_norebuildgraph 0
#2. patch or check your files or somthing. (you already did this)

note that this is a legal bug.