Stuck in area with 3 gun turrents (for use against combine)


Sep 24, 2003
Reaction score
I'm in some jail area, and Alyx tells me to place 3 gun turrents around these 2 rooms. It's just wave after wave of combine and I can't seem to pass it.

its shortly after the part where mossman or whatever that womans name is... is found out to be a traitor

Any advice?
im stuck in same place, got frustrated and played hl source for a bit
Yeah, that was a bitch when I did it...basically, just try to keep moving, use the shotgun (or magnum if you have a steady aim) to kill them in one hit, recharge your health and armour often, keep the turrets away from the entrances so shotgunners can't just knock it down straight away, make sure you flip them back up again once they're thing I thought was nifty was to grab a turret with the gravity gun, and just carry it around. it actually helped a bit, because the turret blocked like half their shots. :) Doesn't work so well against people with shotguns, but it's something.
I also am stuck here. Seems no matter where I put the turrets they just run in a smack em down. So when I go out to replace them I get blasted. And I'm shooting at the combine as well.
Wish I had taken a screenshot, I had the 3 placed perfectly (at each door) and they didn't get knocked down once.
Ok finally got it. Blocked off one side with the crates and barrels and used all three turrets on the other side. I think I got lucky though as I only had to reset one turret.

Cheers for the tip.
Interesting, I'll try setting up crates and such, too. I think the combines are triggered to come after the 3rd turrent is placed, so you probably have a good amount of time to set things up. Let's see if it works. :)
You do it 3 times so what one are you talking about? The first one is a sinch and for the second one i put all three in a triangle outside of that little room and basically guarded its back was easy! For the third one..well thats easy too
It was the second one I was referring to, not sure on the other guys.

All done now though.
I brought a turret with me from the previous bit! :D so I had 4! :p
haha, i just put all 3 right in the room where you get them, then crouched in one of the slots where they came from, they got knocked over pretty quick, but i just kept blasting the shit out of the combine w/ shotty from that cubby and it wasnt too hard.
There is a balcony that you can get to by stacking crates and the barrel. I put all 3 up there and hid in the back. Just shot a few screwbots with the shotty and waited for everything to die. =)
From what I can remember, the layout was something like this. I found that to be the best combination.. The only thing you really had to watch out for were grenades knocking down your turrets but that wasn't too hard to fix.

On a side note if you're feeling adventurous you could run around with a turret using it as an auto-firing shield :D More effective than you'd think.
Just got to this bit but needed a break after I tried it once! The first autogun bit was easy- you just propped them into a corner and the nades have a really hard time knocking them over, but this second section caused me quite a few problems (mainly my own doing unfortunately :E ). I really screwed up with the gravity gun- fired 2 of the sentries instead of dropping them! By this time I was really starting to panic as I expected task force combine to be breaking down my door, but now I know that you've got as much time as you like, I'll take a bit more time and care over my defences:)
I put all 3 turrets in the one room north of the turret room and then surrounded them with all the barrels and boxes, I had like 80/80 at the very end with no healing. Just sat there replaced turrets and killed manhacks with the manipulator, tossed some nades.... mind you every other time I died before the last wave of guys arrived. It's one of the funnest parts if you are doing good :)

I had a little diffrent strategy. I place all 3 on one side of the little room. On the closer side to where you normall come in, the right side if you are looking at the turret lockers, I tried to defend on my own mostly. I think I may have actually used one gun on this side. When things got hot I would hide behind the glass, and they would not hit you much. Also, sometimes I would run around like an idiot. I think there is some ammo outside anyways. But mostly, I tried to stick in the little room.
If it's that tiny little alcove-ish thing (like the pic that someone posted) that you're talking about, I set up 2 on one side of the tiny room, both of them being a bit sheltered by the room, and one in the middle on the other side. I had my shottie out and grav gun ready to switch to. The side with 2 I never had to worry about, because their arcs of fire covered each other perfectly. The enemies had to get up close to shoot at 'em, and the turrets shot 'em down far before the enemies got there. If a combine tried to run up and knock one over, they got maimed by both. The other side was the only one I had to worry about, and I blasted the enemies that weren't being taken care of by the turret, and set the turret up again if it got knocked over (your first priority, without the turret yer screwed.

Your only problem then is grenades, which you can pick up with the grav gun and throw back asap. If one goes off, you're dead, 'cuz you get hurt and the turrets all get knocked over.

My strat was pretty much the same as rex's.
Oh man, that part was killer. That was one of the best moments of the game, one of the fiercest and most fun firefights.

I stuck two of them at the foot of each stairs, with one at the top of a set of stairs facing opposite, and sat by and fought with one of the turrets. If you can understand that. It's like, I was at the bottom of the stairs, next to a turret, and at the top of the stairs, facing downt the sorta hallway type thing and into the little base, was another turret. So I sat by the one at the bottom of the stairs, blasting away at combine and putting it back up when needed. I completely ignored the other one at the other stairs. So when the combine came and knocked down the turret I ignored, and tried to come from behind me, the turret behind me would take them out. So I was basically sandwiched behind two turrets, and let the turrets do most of the work.
I've been playing through the game on hard and just did this part today. I just went inside one of those jail cells and put the turrets up outside the entrance; one facing left one facing right and the other facing foward. The one facing foward was what held it together because it could traverse so far left and right that it assisted the other two turrets. All i had to do was dispose of grendades with the gravity gun and take care of the manhacks. It was alot easier than when i tried it on easy. I didn't think much of it then so i just put the turrets up defending the little corridor where you retrieve them. Naturally i got shot up quite bad but on easy Gordon's practically bullet proof.
Cant remember how I did it the first time but it took a few attempts and was very nearly dead when I did manage it. When I went through it a second time I used a tactic someone posted here. Basically, use the grav gun to pick up each gun and put them back down in their little cupboards. Then hide in the 4th one. They cant be knocked down because they have walls on 3 sides. I got through it without losing much health or even needing to shoot much.

Lol. You hid in a locker!!!! That is the funniest thing I have ever heard! Here I thought Gordman Freeman was tough. Very creative. At least it worked :)
PickledGecko said:
Cant remember how I did it the first time but it took a few attempts and was very nearly dead when I did manage it. When I went through it a second time I used a tactic someone posted here. Basically, use the grav gun to pick up each gun and put them back down in their little cupboards. Then hide in the 4th one. They cant be knocked down because they have walls on 3 sides. I got through it without losing much health or even needing to shoot much.
yeah I hid in a locker too, only had to use the gravgun to reset the turrets like once or twice.
After some try&error I finally passed this as well. There is a small room on the left side in which I hid. With all three guns in front of me. :D
activate the turrets and place them where they were, but facing outwards so that when the combine walk past, they will get shot. Put them in their little rectangle cubicle things, this way the combine cant knock them over. Re-arrange them so you can hide in the 2nd one from the right. Crouch down and wait for them to come. If you need a quick bit of health or HEV suit power, the thingos are just there. It got me through it anyway. Its pretty damn hard, probably the hardest part in the game, the only way I got passed it was by doing what I did above, after that I finished the game pretty easily.

oh and make sure you when the turrets cant finish them off, you're gunna have to shoot them, so dont waste too much ammo
Xac493 said:
I put all 3 turrets in the one room north of the turret room and then surrounded them with all the barrels and boxes, I had like 80/80 at the very end with no healing. Just sat there replaced turrets and killed manhacks with the manipulator, tossed some nades.... mind you every other time I died before the last wave of guys arrived. It's one of the funnest parts if you are doing good :)

I did a similar thing. Just barricaded myself in one of the open cells with spare ammo, barrels for protection and all three turrets. they mowed the combine, I only had to occasionally reset a turrent or shoot a guy. if you do this just be mindful to use the manipulator to toss any nades they throw back at them.
when i first played this part I succeeded on the 20th attempt

but before raplying HL2 somebody here told me that you could actually pick up the turrets when they get shot down, and when I tried picking them up, I didn't have to fire a single shot myself, the turrets just killed everyone!!!!!!!!!!! EVERYONE!
What I did was put some boxes and stuff in front of some entrances so the Combine couldnt get through that entrance. Just do that, find as many boxes or whatever and stack them in front of the doors. It goes by faster and saves more time. I forgot how much gates I blocked off, but it went by pretty fast. Just do what I did :thumbs:
i just placed a turret bye each entrance... and ran like ****ing hell to each one. back and forth , back and forth. It worked fine for me, even on hard..


I just stacked crates to get to the second story office and picked them off one by one. It's alot easier because they can't really overtake you in swarms like on the first floor.
Which map is that? I wanna play starting there, anyone know that .bsp's name off hand?
EDIT: oops... actually it's not called nova prospect. but it's IN nova prospect. i don't know the .bsp though. if you've beat the game you should be able to just start a new game right there.
you guys are all working to hard... where you find the crates is the awnser. stack them up against the wall grab the other one. before you climb up grab all 3 turrets use anti gravity gun. shoot them up on balcony. climb up, set them up. i didnt even have to re-set one, once. too easy.