Stuck In Dark Energy



Im @ the top of that long/high cathedral looking area(you know where). I keep firing the hell out of those balls of energy & Im doing damage then EVERYTIME I get the line what's his name says & mission over. Is there something exactly you have to do here that Im missing? Any help would be gr8ly appreciated.

More info would be appreciated. If you're talking about the final encounter, the area you have to attack is all the way to the far right of the platform.
o i c were u are........ok grav gun the bars on the side pannels and shoot them wherever...then shott balls at the middle and bust sh*t up
Just get to the top where the portal opens and gunships come out, then grab the energy balls up there and shoot the gunships, then shoot the bit at the bottom of the massive portal where metal shields will appear, break off when you hit them then you shoot where the were and your done.
Yes,Im @ the top there. Took the 2 ships out/down w no problem. I start to bust all the s**t off @ the base of the portal & the the chick says "NOOOOOOOooooooooooo!!!!!!!" @ first she's all happy,,Im thinking cause Im getting there. Hmmmm,,guess I have to be/get quicker @ w Im doing. I'll check back & let ya's know if I get through. Ty vm for the replys. :farmer:
keep in mind that the game trigger timer starts as soon as you start heading up to the top, so If you take too long getting up might haveta start from there..... Just my 2 sense......I'm blind, deaf, and i can't taste anything.
Ya,,I thought I may have to go back a lil,,& I did. S**T!!,,had no idea it was the end of the game!!! Cool/decent game,,I liked it. Now I just gotta try & get through the end of Far Cry & finish up Doom 3. Tyvm again all for your input/help.
Yea far cry was a bitch to beat and as for doom 3 after the 250th dark corridor withteleporting demons , i quit and haven't returned since, but yea i remember my first time on dark energy i ran outta time cause i was messin with bodys using the super grav gun.
Impulse147 said:
Yea far cry was a bitch to beat and as for doom 3 after the 250th dark corridor withteleporting demons , i quit and haven't returned since, but yea i remember my first time on dark energy i ran outta time cause i was messin with bodys using the super grav gun.
Well who could resist it?
Gabe Newell.....he was too busy making HL2 pr0n with his secret naked Alyx model ROFL!!!