stuck in nova prospekt... help? :P


Sep 25, 2003
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There is a force field.. there were turrets behind it and stuff but I've thrown them over. But how do I disable the force field? I found no buton or whatever anywere?

it's uhh.. after the first mother antlion and you come to a section that's something like this:
  C }              T |
  T }            ¯¯""|
  T }                |
----}--------|       |

C=combine (could be more of them, dunno, let my antlions take care of em)

I hope you guys understand where I am and what to do :p
heh, the red button miht have to look up to press it, possibly down
xtjdx said:
There's likely a plug you have to pull with the grav gun.

nah those are obvious.. there was none

oldfaq, you're saying there's a button somewhere on the ceiling or floor? I'll have a look around then.. but I saw nothing
No, just throw some grenades in there behind the turrets and they die. IIRC you had to go back and anotherway around to get open that forcefield.
this is where I am.. in the second (enhanced) pic you can see the wire dissapearing.

So there is a different way? I've been all the way back to the ant lion mother arena (the big bathroom) And I've seen nothing :(
Look for a vent along the right hand wall of the screenshot you posted.
Yep, look for a vent low down on the right side, it leads to a fan that takes you to the room with the plug in.

I'm also stuck, but further on...

The bit with the 3 turrets and a shit load of guards. Where best to put the turrets?
Parrot: See my post here:

To draw a simple diagram:

(                         (
(                         (
---------------     -------
              |     |
              |     |
---------------  ^  -------
(                1        (
(             <2 G 3>     (
Where - and | = wall
( = force field
1, 2, 3 = turret with direction pointing
G = Gordon, where you stand. Kill off any combine that appear ASAP (I used shotgun).
Ahhhh.. found the vent! wow I totally overlooked that.. I doubt I'd ever find that without help. well probably after a loooong time :p

Thanks guys!
Ahh... yeah the vent :p I forgot about that. Anway, i've gotta try that Lanthanide, i'm stuck there aswell :p
ooh, I struggled in the 'place turrets' part for a while.. then I blocked all the entrances with the lockers and crates and stuff, so the combine couldn't get in :D
Lanthanide said:
Parrot: See my post here:

To draw a simple diagram:

(                         (
(                         (
---------------     -------
              |     |
              |     |
---------------  ^  -------
(                1        (
(             <2 G 3>     (
Where - and | = wall
( = force field
1, 2, 3 = turret with direction pointing
G = Gordon, where you stand. Kill off any combine that appear ASAP (I used shotgun).

heh, tried that loads of times, and eventually gave up. I found a better way :) crap/turrets.jpg

Used some boxes and stuff to get up there, dragged the turrets up behind me, and hardly got a scratch :D
I always took a turret with me so I used 4 instead of 3... makes it much easier :p