Ok I'm stuck in route kanal in the very first time you run into water. Had to jump off a bridge to get into the water which contains a good many boxes and crates. If I go back under the bridge I jumped off of I get to a burning train car that I can't seem to pass and if I go the other way I quickly get to a wall. I've tried swimming down to the bottom of the canal but there doesn't seem to be any underwater passages. It looks like I might be able to jump on top of the wall if I can pile up enough crates but when ever I try to do this the crate moves down on the end I jump on and I can't seem to get high enough to jump on top of the wall.
I assume I'm missing something, took me five minutes or so to figure out to go through the train cars earlier...can anyone help me out with what I'm missing? Thanks!
I assume I'm missing something, took me five minutes or so to figure out to go through the train cars earlier...can anyone help me out with what I'm missing? Thanks!