Stuck in "We don't go to Ravenholm"



I've just helped the guys in the garage. Leon (the black one) says me to follow him. When the door opens and the woman appears he enter the room but he doesn't move anymore!! He seems to be stuck in the middle of the door, I can't go in and do anything. I tried to upload preview games, I also tried to start from the chapter before but nothing has changed. Any suggestions? Thanks a lot
I have this same problem. I tried using noclipping to walk past him, but i still can't do anything because I think he needs to contact Alyx. He just stands there like an idiot.

Help please! :(
Whenever a game character stops interacting with me I just walk up to them and press 'E' (use). They start interacting again. So far it has worked every time. I've also found that I can push characters who are standing in my way.
Try this:
Upload a previous saved game. Then when he begins to walk, just put yourself in his way so he can't reach the door.
It may fix the bug. I don't know.
Does anyone have a savegame from just after this area?
If someone doesnt have a savegame, is there anyway to skip this level? Whats supposed to happen anyway? I assume he goes in and contacts Alyx.
Stuck again

No, I didn't solve anything, I tried to kill him with all my weapons, I tried to blow up the room with frags but nothing changes!!! The savegame just after this moment is the best idea I heard untill now. Even better... a savegame where the black guy has started to walk to reach the radio (I don't want to lose nothing of this great game). Unfortunately this bug is very very boring.
There's two options:

First option is that you switch on the cheats and go to the next loading point and miss maybe a minute or two of the game.

Second option is that I can send you a savegame from a couple of seconds after the bug. They are between 0.3 meg to 10 meg in size.

Tell me which you want. :E
the seame trouble with me
stuck with this stupid NPC just in front of me
if you can't send the saved games to the first 2 addresses (10 mb are a little big sized...) please try at [email protected]. It should work. LEt me know
Just a thought, if your where I think you are, check there is nothing blocking his path, like a box or something. If there is, clear it with the manipulator and he will carry on. This si what cause this one for me
Andrea81 said:
Please send me the saved game. Send it to [email protected] and to [email protected]. Use both the addresses please to make sure the file arrives. Thank you very much for your help. Please do it as soon as possible ...I want to play! :)

I've sent you the quicksave file and the picture that goes with it to both e-mail addresses. Each e-mail is just over 2 megs in size.

Hope it works. :)
QuarterLife said:
Does anyone have a savegame from just after this area?

pmaquoi said:
the seame trouble with me
stuck with this stupid NPC just in front of me

I can e-mail you both the same quicksave file as I e-mailed Andrea81.

It's saved the moment the guy moves and just before the alien speaks so you miss nothing.
Well, the guy's stuck again, now two steps forward!! I hate this guy, I think it won't work at all. I also tried to clear the way, I destroyed and moved everything and nothing changes. I can't believe in this tremendous bug! In a game like Half life 2!! Doomed, please send me a quicksave just out of this room, I think it's the only way. Thx a lot
There is something else you can do, but its a slight spoiler.

If you go to the door diagonally opposite from the door you are stuck by, then no clip into the next room, its a loading area. If you un-noclip, it should start you loading.
1/ I don't know how to use codes
2/ I would like to finish the game avoiding any kind of codes (why should I use them?)
3/ A location that I can't pass without codes? This is ridicoulous!!!

Cheats will be my last try, I hope to find a regular way to pass through it even if I'm really pissed off of this bug.
restart the chapter

that happened to me. i ended up restarting the chapter and when i got to him the second time he was ok. its happened with a few characters and ive had to do that every time. sucks but what can you do?
Andrea81 said:
Well, the guy's stuck again, now two steps forward!! I hate this guy, I think it won't work at all. I also tried to clear the way, I destroyed and moved everything and nothing changes. I can't believe in this tremendous bug! In a game like Half life 2!! Doomed, please send me a quicksave just out of this room, I think it's the only way. Thx a lot

Ok, I sent you a new savegame.
same problems with me,can u send me the saved game?

Bro I'm havin the same problems with that Leon guy he wont move in front of the door!!Can u plz send me the saved game after that part,and what do I need to do to load that game??I hope its not too big for my 56k dial-up connection!!My e-mail is [email protected]
Bro I'm havin the same problems with that Leon guy he wont move in front of the door!!Can u plz send me the saved game after that part,and what do I need to do to load that game??I hope its not too big for my 56k dial-up connection!!My e-mail is [email protected]
paparazzo79 said:
Bro I'm havin the same problems with that Leon guy he wont move in front of the door!!Can u plz send me the saved game after that part,and what do I need to do to load that game??I hope its not too big for my 56k dial-up connection!!My e-mail is [email protected]

I sent the savegame you wanted, and instructions on where the files go. It's about 0.5 meg so it will only take a minute even on 56k to download.
I used noclip to skip past him.

Can someome PM me a quick synopsis of what happens in that scene please? (What does Alyx tell you, etc)

I think its happened AGAIN! Now at the lighthouse, after you shoot down the gunship, the white medic guy tells you to "follow him", then doesn't move!

My impressions of HL2 were sky high after the first bit in city 17, but keep dropping and dropping...
The same thing happened to me so I nocliped to the next level, but now I can´t turn of noclip!!! What to do?
Thx Doomed

doomed - uk said:
Ok, I sent you a new savegame.

Thx mate for your help, with this quicksave I can play. I can't still believe this bug but it seems I'm not the only one.
@doomed - UK
Could U please send the same savegame as U sent to Andrea81 to me since i´m stuck at the same place...
mail it to [email protected]

QuarterLife said:

I think its happened AGAIN! Now at the lighthouse, after you shoot down the gunship, the white medic guy tells you to "follow him", then doesn't move!


He goes down to the basement and opens the door, then you go out onto the cliff face and have to jump some gaps. Noclip sounds like it would work.
same problem with the stupid NPC

hi guys please send also to me the saved file for hl2 .
thanks bye bye
I've sent you the files.

It's also possible to use cheat codes to restart maybe 5 or 10 minutes before the bug and doing that has fixed the bug for other people having a similar problem on a different level.
Just did that. Hope it's the right savegame.

I think it's probably better for people to use map codes.
I had this problem but I walked around nearby playing with objects and breaking crates and eventually he said "Come this way" and walked off, if this at all helps anyone whatsoever :D