Student in my school got busted for stealing 2 times in a row


Nov 1, 2004
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So this guy at my school is a real idiot, he is a senior i think and are retaking freshmen classes. Hes not that friendly even, he looks friendly and small but he will turn his back at you whenever he feels like it. He always trashtalkes and think that no one can do anything better then him. He is also kinda racist...against white people, he even admitted it at one time, he keep saying "black people this, black people that, white people cant do this, white people shouldnt be allowed to play basketball" etc etc etc.

Anyway, he was in JROTC which is like a pre-class for those who wants to join the airforce. He got busted for stealing someones money and was thrown out of that class forever (note that you also get free colege education if you finish the course).

Today when we were taking an Algerbra test, a cellphone start calling, he tryed to hide it as best as he could but the teacher heard it and took it from him, the guy said that it was his sisters cellphone. Later a girl came into the class and talked to the teacher, telling him that someone stole her cellphone and 500$ and that she tryed to call to her own cellphone to see if someone got it. The teacher took out the cellphone he confiscated from the guy and asked "is it this?" and she said yes in suprise! Everyone in the class looked at the guy and was like "....ooooooooooooooooooo:O " while he was like ":sleep: " . He said then that he found it and said that he was gona return it to the office, but he said just 10 minutes ago that it was his siters...BUSTED! The principal came in and took him away, i never saw him for the rest of the day. stupid can you be? The first thing you do when you steal a cellphone is to TURN IT OFF!!! Jesus...

Anything like this happend to you?
What a freaking idiot... if you're going to steal stuff, at least have the decency to take it from random people on the street.
Maybe the principal stole it, and blamed it on the best patsy - a braindead loser.
Thanks for the story, we have been lacking this storys latly.
This guy needs a hand cutting off. The Muslims have got the right idea about punishing thieves.
yeah, sure, lets cut his hand off therby crippling his ability to become someone useful. Clever thinking there
Xune said:
This guy needs a hand cutting off. The Muslims have got the right idea about punishing thieves.
Yes because there's a serious shortage of garbage men.
And a serious shortage of thinking?
So, you want your Tax money to pay for corporal punishment and legal issues? Fair enough
Llama said:
yeah, sure, lets cut his hand off therby crippling his ability to become someone useful. Clever thinking there

I think that its an mistaken assumption made by the liberal community that every single person in a nation that has a population of over 200 million people can be a productive citizen.
Two words, Numbers: Electroshock Therapy.
Jintor said:
Two words, Numbers: Electroshock Therapy.
Tried it, kinda hurt. (Don't touch an open electrical outlet with your hands when you've just taken a bath :|)
Beerdude26 said:
Tried it, kinda hurt. (Don't touch an open electrical outlet with your hands when you've just taken a bath :|)
No shit? So that's what I've been doing wrong all these years! :O
I found a cell phone at a busstation, i was up early and i guess some drunk kid must have droped it. Lucky me!
I have kids like that in my school, they never go to class, always fail, smoke pot in the bathrooms, and then when they finally leave high school having not graduated, they bitch about how they are underprivileged.