I've been trying for days now to get a model from start to finish made, but keep getting stuck on error messages.
Here's my dos window of what happens currently:
E:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\bin>studiomdl ..\cstrike_sample_content\model_sources\dew\dew.qc
e:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\model_sources\dew\, e:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\, path dew
Working on "dew.qc"
SMD MODEL dew.smd
SMD MODEL dew_idle.smd
SMD MODEL dew_phys.smd
Model has 1 convex sub-parts
Collision model completed.
writing e:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\models/dew/dew.mdl:
Error opening e:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\cstrike_
sample_content\models/dew/dew.mdl! (Check for write enable)
I don't know if it's my smd files or what. My model is a simple cube shape cola machine with a texture map on it and the tga file is converted. Now, here's my .qc file:
// Output .MDL
$modelname dew/dew.mdl
// Directory of .BMP
$cdmaterials models/dew
// Write textures into a ???T.mdl
$scale 1.0
// whole body
$body studio "dew.smd"
// sequences: all sequences are in $cd
$sequence idle "dew_idle.smd" fps 1
$collisionmodel "dew_phys.smd" {
// Mass in kilograms
$Mass 100
Any comments?
Here's my dos window of what happens currently:
E:\Program Files\Valve\Steam\SteamApps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\bin>studiomdl ..\cstrike_sample_content\model_sources\dew\dew.qc
e:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\model_sources\dew\, e:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\, path dew
Working on "dew.qc"
SMD MODEL dew.smd
SMD MODEL dew_idle.smd
SMD MODEL dew_phys.smd
Model has 1 convex sub-parts
Collision model completed.
writing e:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\cstrike_sample_content\models/dew/dew.mdl:
Error opening e:\program files\valve\steam\steamapps\spiegel6\sourcesdk\cstrike_
sample_content\models/dew/dew.mdl! (Check for write enable)
I don't know if it's my smd files or what. My model is a simple cube shape cola machine with a texture map on it and the tga file is converted. Now, here's my .qc file:
// Output .MDL
$modelname dew/dew.mdl
// Directory of .BMP
$cdmaterials models/dew
// Write textures into a ???T.mdl
$scale 1.0
// whole body
$body studio "dew.smd"
// sequences: all sequences are in $cd
$sequence idle "dew_idle.smd" fps 1
$collisionmodel "dew_phys.smd" {
// Mass in kilograms
$Mass 100
Any comments?