Stuffed headcrabs on the way!?!

You referring to that headcrab on the left? I don't know, I think its just to catch your eye and make people go the the store. Dunno.
Doesn't look like the ingame crabs enough so I think you could be right.
The Dog Vs Strider poster looks nice, muchos gore :)
vegeta897 said:
Oh my ****ing god that's awesome.

Too bad it's not full-sized though.

"Half-Life 2 Critters" on the tag. Will we be seeing more? :D

Either way, this is just awesome. Seeing Valve doing something like this :D I totally want one.

I'd love to see a barnacle ceiling decoration..
Stuffed head crabs... Meh you all say there head humpers so you can... i will stop now, but i think there bloody gay.
Look cool, I agree, I want Houndeyes! That make the noise when you squeze them. :D
Hah, that's awesome!

Looks like all the mad forum ramblings about plushies didn't fall on deaf ears :p

Posters are looking nice too...
What are you little kiddies, getting all excited by plush toys.
Redneck said:
What are you little kiddies, getting all excited by plush toys.

Don't call me a kiddie. I'll call mommy *sobs*

I want a poison headcrab, and a miniature Garg.
Thats frickin' awesome. I'm buying one.

Redneck said:
What are you little kiddies, getting all excited by plush toys.

Oh, do shut up.
Why don't you people just make one of your own? All you need is an old pillow and someone who knows how to sew.
AIDisabled said:
Why don't you people just make one of your own? All you need is an old pillow and someone who knows how to sew.

We're too lazy. :p I feel like such a geek now buying a stuffed headcrab. I don't care though because now I can terrorize my dogs with it. It cost $27.75 with shipping and handling. They say you should get it in 2-3 days but in the confirmation e-mail it says it may take 1-2 weeks. I know some weird guy is gonna try and use this thing as an artificial vagina. :p
hool10300 said:
We're too lazy. :p I feel like such a geek now buying a stuffed headcrab. I don't care though because now I can terrorize my dogs with it. It cost $27.75 with shipping and handling. They say you should get it in 2-3 days but in the confirmation e-mail it says it may take 1-2 weeks. I know some weird guy is gonna try and use this thing as an artificial vagina. :p

I am now! :D

Thanks for the idea hool! :D
Anyone from the UK tried to get one? Last time I tried to order stuff I had second thoughts when I saw how expensive the shipping costs were :(
kupoartist said:
Anyone from the UK tried to get one? Last time I tried to order stuff I had second thoughts when I saw how expensive the shipping costs were :(
I just have, and international shipping made the order come to $54 odd.

I think if you ordered it now, you should get the next one for free :E.

UndeadScottsman said:
I'd love to see a barnacle ceiling decoration..
With a velcro tongue!!
Mutley said:
Look cool, I agree, I want Houndeyes! That make the noise when you squeze them. :D
the original flesh ripping one that is :devil:

and this headcrabs are so f***** cool (I want one:E )
dekstar said:
With a velcro tongue!!
Brilliant! I'm too afriad of being too nerdy to buy a headcrab, but a barnacle with velcro tounge, I'd buy one faster than you can say "credit card"!
Imagine all the uses for it!
*yarn* f*** the teddys give us Gordon, Alyx and G man action figers!!!

now that would be sweet Half life action figers.
vegeta897 said:
"Half-Life 2 Critters" on the tag. Will we be seeing more? :D
Just what I thought :)
This is a much cooler idea than the usual action game merch - some die-cast figurine of some gruelling visceral scene OR a soft, cuddly version of a creature you're supposed to batter with a crowbar?
Maybe you'll get a free foam crowbar with every one...
I really want one of these, but I'm not spending $25 on it. That's more than I'm paying for Episode One.
SHIPPI said:
As soon as I get home I am so ordering one :D or two..

/me waits for the "aww those are the cutest things" comment :LOL:
its true tho so i won't argue!
yeah, i bet a plush houndeye toy would sell very well too...and to put the cherry on top of it, some of the proceeds could go to the hurrican relief fund just like how Valve did it for some of the lithos listed.

just a thought ;)
Just ordered mine a couple hours ago. I can't wait for it to get here!