

Companion Cube
Aug 10, 2004
Reaction score

Does anyone remember this game? It came out about 3 years ago. I remember playing it and having tons of fun. It actually felt like you were creating a movie. It put you in different cars/different movies and what not. I was watching a show, Quantum Leap, and I was reminded about this game. I feel like purchasing this for the PS2. It was just an all around good game.
If anyone has any recollection of this game or anything at all, post about your experiences with it.. Post anything about this game. :)
Yea since my parents are sooo cheap they had gotten it for my brothers birthday and told him that it was the *newest* game avaliable...LIARS!!
It was an okay game, the controls etc were horrible though.

If I remember rightly, it was a very rushed game.
I thought it was pretty neat. However, it got ridiculously difficult later on.
The loading pissed me the **** off...the fact that the game was all trial and error was kinda stupid and messed you up towards the end of the game. Because you dont know whats happening next until you do it...I thought real stuntmen go through the whole stunt in detail before they actually ****ing do it...they dont just guess they can nail it on the first try with an annoying director screaming instructions at them about 2 seconds before they need to be done.

It was still kinda cool sometimes...the stunt arena pissed me off cause it wouldnt let me put as much stuff as I wanted.