Stupid Counter Strike problem

Sep 9, 2004
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I have this problem when I play counter-strike (normal counter-strike, not source) that when I play on a server and minimize the game it automaticly shuts the game down. Now how the hell do I make it stop turning off the game? I need to be able to minimize the game. Could someone help me?
I use allt + tab, yes. And I don't think any type of minimizing can keep it from crashing, sometimes I get popups that minimize the game and then it shuts it off!! I can't stand this fcking problem anymore.
If you are getting Pop-ups that are crashing the game then scan for Virus's, Spyware and Adware asap.
ARRARGHHH!!! The problem is that the game crashes when you minize it, not because of popups, anytime you minimize the game it crashes and it's not because of popups!
Listen to what you just said, i quote,
sometimes I get popups that minimize the game and then it shuts it off!! I can't stand this fcking problem anymore.

Now correct me if im wrong but it seems as though the pop-ups are partly the problem, but don't come to the forum and start mouthing off thinking that other people are wrong when all i'm doing is using what i know to help you by using the information you supplied to me.
Download and run this

That should stop the pop-ups that are minimising CS on you. Then try running CS in windowed mode, this should stop it crashing when you minimise.

Finally, be polite when asking for help, or don't expect to get any.