Stupid CS admin


Jan 23, 2004
Reaction score
I think this belongs in the off-Topic area because, it's not really about the actual CS game, it's about a certain CS admin.

I was playing on a server called seattle Pro server or something like that...and it was going well...until someone called TMO showed that guy pissed a lot of people off.

If you cracked a joke at him, he slayed you, if you shot him and killed him, he slayed you, if you spawn camped, he would ban you.

Later on another map, he kept on teleporting one guy around the map that was pissing him off, and slaying another player every round.

Anyone else experience a similar any game??
that is why I dont really play 1.6 anymore. It tends to have the most ******s/assholes/bitches on it.
You mean the countless 10 to 12 year olds who think they are the best CS players ever, and no one can prove them wrong? I think I've ran into a few.

Most memorable is this one who kept going into the same camping spot every round. I would even see the barrel of his gun sticking out sometimes. So I would come around the corner blasting and killed him practically every time. I explained to him that he needs to shake it up every now and then. He accused me of wallhacking and aimbotting and proceeded to ban me.
Honestly, I love it when people are so full of themselves, they refuse to open their eyes to the fact that other people are going to be better than them.
Well, me and a few people started a clan+server for the people who played CS at our school. I was not leader, but the actual leader kept making everyone admin for no reason(he wasn't very bright). Sure enough, our server became uninhabitable.
EC said:
You mean the countless 10 to 12 year olds who think they are the best CS players ever, and no one can prove them wrong? I think I've ran into a few.

Well if he was a 10 to 12 year old, he was an admin....I think you have to be at least 18 or 20 to become admin.
UltimaApocalyspe said:
Well, me and a few people started a clan+server for the people who played CS at our school. I was not leader, but the actual leader kept making everyone admin for no reason(he wasn't very bright). Sure enough, our server became uninhabitable.
Hehe, that reminded me of something I did to a not-so-smart admin. He was being a dick, and I could tell he knew very little about admin or rcon. I told him that if he wanted to get rid of the person who was pissing him off, he needed to type "rcon_password acid" in the server console (I believe that's the command to set the password). He oblidged, and I banned him and all his bitching friends.

dream431ca said:
Well if he was a 10 to 12 year old, he was an admin....I think you have to be at least 18 or 20 to become admin.
Where is this utopia that you speak of? Half of these admins that I've ran into have voices higher than little schoolgirls.
EC said:
Where is this utopia that you speak of? Half of these admins that I've ran into have voices higher than little schoolgirls.

Oh now that is so's almost priceless. But ya, I just hope there is a server out there that has a mature admin....but on CS, that's hopeless...battlefield 2 has good admins.
I've ran into a few admin asswipes before. They kept screwing up CTs mouse sensetivity ( I prolly spelled that wrong ) and I finally checked it and it was on 1 so I chaned it and they banned me for hacking. I havent seen their server since. btw I went into options and changed, I dont want to take the time to learn to hack.