Stupid kids

Pi Mu Rho

ValveTime Admin | Enemy of fun
Staff member
Aug 5, 2003
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A group of teenage boys took it upon themselves to sit around on the grass verge near my house. Not so awful, you might think.
Except then, utterly beyond the bounds of sanity, they started standing in front of traffic. Now, I don't live on a particularly busy road, and we are plagued with speed bumps, but this still strikes me as remarkably ****ING STUPID thing to be doing. Their ridiculous, collective, overinflated teenage ego told them that of course, all the cars would stop. When their intended target was going slowly enough, they would slide over the front of the car. The population round here is generally oldish, so they knew that they weren't going to get much aggravation.
Boy were they wrong. I left the house, drove past them, turned round when I was out of sight and waited for a minute. Sure enough, when I returned, 3 of them had stopped another car, two in front of it with the third just lining up his jump. So I acclerated towards them, slammed the brakes on at the last second to grab their attention and jumped out of the car. I have honestly never seen such acute looks of sheer terror in all my life. After shouting "sorry" a few times (for some unfathomable reason) they all ran off. Morons. Complete and utter morons.
hahaha... you're turning into a grump, pi!

but quite a funny grump! :laugh:
Jesus, my old man would have absolutely battered me If I tried any shit like that when I was younger.
bliink said:
hahaha... you're turning into a grump, pi!

but quite a funny grump! :laugh:

It just bugged me, because of the way they were intimidating the older people, but letting people that looked like they could "fight back" go past. Personally, I wish that they'd misjudged stepping out and got their legs crused by some old dear.
Pi Mu Rho said:
It just bugged me, because of the way they were intimidating the older people, but letting people that looked like they could "fight back" go past. Personally, I wish that they'd misjudged stepping out and got their legs crused by some old dear.

I hope they die, I really do.

I had some stupid kid yesterday walk across my drive as I was pulling onto it and looked at me as I had done something wrong, lol.

Some people don't deserve to have a life.
yes, it is actaully. I wouldnt have stopped
Gargantou said:
Yeah, that sure is a valid reason for wishing'em all dead.:rolleyes:

You're saying that running in front of cars is not a valid reason? pshhh, teach 'em a ****ing lesson.
Devvo said:
You're saying that running in front of cars is not a valid reason? pshhh, teach 'em a ****ing lesson.
It's a valid reason for severly injuring them and their internal organs but not for killing them!:D
Gargantou said:
It's a valid reason for severly injruing them and their internal organs but not for killing them!:D

Yer I guess I'd be happy with a few disfigured limbs :D heh
Nice one Pi.

If they had gone onto my bonnet I think I would driven off... Muahah.

Yes. I am Evil!:E
next time, drive down the street playing george michael on full...won't need to get out the car then
Pi Mu Rho said:
A group of teenage boys took it upon themselves to sit around on the grass verge near my house. Not so awful, you might think.
Except then, utterly beyond the bounds of sanity, they started standing in front of traffic. Now, I don't live on a particularly busy road, and we are plagued with speed bumps, but this still strikes me as remarkably ****ING STUPID thing to be doing. Their ridiculous, collective, overinflated teenage ego told them that of course, all the cars would stop. When their intended target was going slowly enough, they would slide over the front of the car. The population round here is generally oldish, so they knew that they weren't going to get much aggravation.
Boy were they wrong. I left the house, drove past them, turned round when I was out of sight and waited for a minute. Sure enough, when I returned, 3 of them had stopped another car, two in front of it with the third just lining up his jump. So I acclerated towards them, slammed the brakes on at the last second to grab their attention and jumped out of the car. I have honestly never seen such acute looks of sheer terror in all my life. After shouting "sorry" a few times (for some unfathomable reason) they all ran off. Morons. Complete and utter morons.

you should have grabbed the biggest kid and beaten him to a pulp ...that's what the inner stern would have wanted to do ...the outer stern would have handled much in the same you did, gj :thumbs:
That reminds me. In the town were I go to school they used to play a game called chicken chaser where they would go to the busiest street and to the part of it where the trafic moved fast and wait for a car to come by and run across the road just narrowly avaiding the car. Naturaly this stoped when a boy was run over and killed. The terrible thing was that this boy wasn't playing chicken, he was just crossing the road.

I would have just drove down the street beeping my horn and not stop, maybe turning to avoid them because those kind of idiots would probably sue you, and win.
ríomhaire said:
That reminds me. In the town were I go to school they used to play a game called chicken chaser where they would go to the busiest street and to the part of it where the trafic moved fast and wait for a car to come by and run across the road just narrowly avaiding the car. Naturaly this stoped when a boy was run over and killed. The terrible thing was that this boy wasn't playing chicken, he was just crossing the road.
We've had something quite similiar over here in Sweden, this summer it has become a trend amongst youths over here to do "chicken races" over railroad crossings with their mopeds.
Which means that just when the train storms across, the try to run over the track, and it has claimed quite a few lives already, it's sad that people have to do such stupid things, I doubt they even realize the risks.
ríomhaire said:
That reminds me. In the town were I go to school they used to play a game called chicken chaser where they would go to the busiest street and to the part of it where the trafic moved fast and wait for a car to come by and run across the road just narrowly avaiding the car.

it's called "natural selection" :)
CptStern said:
it's called "natural selection" :)
Did you read my post? The idiots weren't harmed while an inocent person was killed.
ríomhaire said:
Did you read my post? The idiots weren't harmed while an inocent person was killed.

yes I did ..I should have clarified ...the popularity of "chicken" games is natural selection at work, not the the incident you described
Damn kids! :laugh:

Seriously, you always seem to be the one plagued by madmen and idiots, Pi. :eek:
CptStern said:
it's called "natural selection" :)

Yup, I hate idiots like that.

Today I was on the bus and got a strong urge to kill that stupid 14 yr old chav girl shouting as loud as possible, and throwing timetables about, with no regard for other travellors.
Pi you should've at least ran over one of the kids foot, then just park your car ontop of his foot. hehe
I can't imagine the terror of the kids if Pi and Stern ever got together!
Is this what your big birthday brings, Pop?

;) <3

I would have just hit them. Well, not really. I would have yelled and thrown things, though.
The little shites that live around me aren't too bad, but they do like to put lots of fireworks in plastic bins so it makes a huge noise when it goes off. Surprised one of them hasn't been badly burnt from there firework games
so u didn't hit one of the kids Pi? awwww :(
oh well at least u scared the crap outta them ;)
To what end? By the time the police arrived, they would have gone. If not, they would have just denied doing anything.
Then you'd get to star in your own "Think!" advert.

I'd say kids are annoying, but I'm still a kid so I'd be stereotyping myself. I'd say just those older than me, but sometimes its those of the same age, or older.

Hell, I just hate everybody.

That's great work :P plus Pi you look pretty intimidating and I'd be scared as hell if you jumped out of a car at me (not that I'd ever do something as blindly idiotic or stupid as what they were).

Should have done what this guy did:
Pi Mu Rho said:
A group of teenage boys took it upon themselves to sit around on the grass verge near my house. Not so awful, you might think.
Except then, utterly beyond the bounds of sanity, they started standing in front of traffic. Now, I don't live on a particularly busy road, and we are plagued with speed bumps, but this still strikes me as remarkably ****ING STUPID thing to be doing. Their ridiculous, collective, overinflated teenage ego told them that of course, all the cars would stop. When their intended target was going slowly enough, they would slide over the front of the car. The population round here is generally oldish, so they knew that they weren't going to get much aggravation.
Boy were they wrong. I left the house, drove past them, turned round when I was out of sight and waited for a minute. Sure enough, when I returned, 3 of them had stopped another car, two in front of it with the third just lining up his jump. So I acclerated towards them, slammed the brakes on at the last second to grab their attention and jumped out of the car. I have honestly never seen such acute looks of sheer terror in all my life. After shouting "sorry" a few times (for some unfathomable reason) they all ran off. Morons. Complete and utter morons.

Did you go to Hutton Grammar? I've just noticed you live in Longton, and yes, there are a lot of knob-ends over in that area of Preston (except you offcourse)
Ennui said:

That's great work :P plus Pi you look pretty intimidating and I'd be scared as hell if you jumped out of a car at me (not that I'd ever do something as blindly idiotic or stupid as what they were).

Should have done what this guy did:


What a boinker.