Stupid mother****ing brothers


Sep 9, 2003
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So, I log in to my Windows XP account, and lookie, Windows tells me that a few files (never even heard about!) are corrupted.... Now, being a nice fellow, I figured that maybe some nasty malware was killing some files.

So, I boot up Ad-aware to start killing. The thing is, in the middle of the scan, approximately 0.01 seconds after Ad-aware finds two critical objects, the comp crashes. Totally. So my brothers start his usual talk : "What the **** did you just do ?" "Nothing." "Then why the **** IS IT CRASHING PIG?" (he screamed like that, yes) "Are you formatting the HD again!! you ****ing..." that went on.

Now, I had to format the HD recently because some shitty malware erased my TCP/HTTP protocols (don't ask me, I just went to the Control Panel>Add/Remove Programs>Windows Programs and TCP/HTTP protocols was unchecked and I was unable to get into ze Internet.) Since ahhh....well...SP2 had just came out, I went downstairs to my techy and he "borrowed" me a copy... Well, needless to say, SP2 asked for some formatting, and because the HD was old, and packed with crap, I did it.

Now, I booted the comp again in Security Mode, go into his account, where due to the lack of skinning programs like Windowblinds, everything runs better (:o) and ran Ad-aware. He walks out the door in the process, and guess what I find.

two Data Miner cookies. Both junior@insert_pr0n_site_here and of course, on the IE cache. Now I forbade him from USING IE in the 1st place, and blocked it with the firewall to make sure, but he, in his eternal clevertness, probably terminated the firewall and ran IE to clean his tracks (it's a lot easier to clean tracks with Firefox, he's just VERY VERY DUMB).

That is all gentlemen...
/me bows
Yeah brothers will do that.

I set up a passworded firewall and some spyware things running.

Oh, and let his account be in non-system admin mode :laugh:
He's older than me so he would probably kill me if I removed his account from the Admin list.
Sprafa said:
He's older than me so he would probably kill me if I removed his account from the Admin list.

Oh...I always assumed younger brothers annoy older brothers, not vice versa :p

How about making him get his own comp? Or you getting one?

Anyway, try getting spybot -search and destroy, or at least something that will run in the background to eliminate threats.

How did you forbid him using IE? You told him he couldn't or you took his privillages?
Sprafa, so you are saying that your entire OS crashed becuase he had IE set to accept cookies?

And are you saying that cookies bring virus or addware?

I keep my cookies on max security(I dont accept or give any).. cuz I like looking at pictures... :naughty: I should be alright

Thanks in advance
Hmm... older brother? That's gotta hurt. If I were you I would remove his account and say it was the nice lady on the other end of the PC :P
VirusType2, Ad-aware crashed/stopped and it progressively stopped everything else too (Ad-aware started eating resources) :o

I haven't configured IE to anything because I figured he wasn't going to use it.
i have two brothers :afro: :monkee: that are both youner than me i hate them the youngest is 6 :devil: he gets up at 6.30 every morning ;( and wakes us all up, but he would dare touch my computer :sniper:
My brother doesn't live in my house anymore, but when he did, he knew I would kill him if he used my pc without me watching. Even my friends mess up my pc, that is why I am the only one besides my dad that uses this pc. And blantaly(spelling?) its mine so I rule over it. ;)
install sygate firewall pro.. password protect it, and then set it to block the net access when its not running. That way if he tries to remove it, and somehow manages to. It simply then blocks off the net altogether.

Or put a password in the bios and really do his head in haha.
I got a better one, when you go to sleep or leave the pc, shut it down and take the HDD with you.
DiSTuRbEd said:
I got a better one, when you go to sleep or leave the pc, shut it down and take the HDD with you.

yeah and replace it with a 70mb drive with Win 3.1 on..
Yeah...I've got problems with my brother, too. He's 20 months old, and he's always trying to eat the computer at my dad's house.
He_Who_Is_Steve said:
Yeah...I've got problems with my brother, too. He's 20 months old, and he's always trying to eat the computer at my dad's house.

Digest him! Bwahahaha! That'll show him.
why not 2 mb! Mr Acorn runs on that :lol:
Your problem is probably cool web search, search on google for CWShredder, that should fix the spyware problems.

My brother looks up pr0n :\ it's obvious since he is unaware of how to cover his tracks. It's annoying since he seems to think it's a great idea to delete cookies since he has blah blah@ some pr0n, there is no point deleting cookies since you get pr0n site cookies just by randomly browsing the net, tracking cookies.... So your brother might not be downloading pr0n matey. Anyway its annoying since I have to re log on to every site I go on to including :O blasphemy!!
Fat Tony! said:
Your problem is probably cool web search, search on google for CWShredder, that should fix the spyware problems.

My brother looks up pr0n :\ it's obvious since he is unaware of how to cover his tracks. It's annoying since he seems to think it's a great idea to delete cookies since he has blah blah@ some pr0n, there is no point deleting cookies since you get pr0n site cookies just by randomly browsing the net, tracking cookies.... So your brother might not be downloading pr0n matey. Anyway its annoying since I have to re log on to every site I go on to including :O blasphemy!!
Tony, Ive got my internet browsers to not accept or give any kind of cookies, and have given special permision to certain sites when they request it. example microsoft, google,

You can surf almost any site without cookies. certain sites require cookies to continue, others just say they want cookies.

if they require, that means either they going to spy you, but it is usually a place you can purchase something from. If you dont shop with your PC, or shop at that site, then there is no reason for them to have a cookie. I usually yell at my monitor," **** off!", and that seems to work

EDIT: alot of sites want to remember what page you are on or whatever the hell they do with cookies, but you can usually view the pages no prob with them all blocked.

So just set your browser to block them all . I never have any problems with adult sites, viruses, add spam, anything.
I would do that but there are quite a few sites that I go to that need cookies and when my family need to use the computer they won't know how to change it so that they can accept cookies from that particular site.
Anyway It doesn't matter, i've pretty much banned every site on the internet that sends me adware I haven't had a single tracking cookie for almost 2 weeks now, which is very good!
dude once I was trying to remove a virus by deleting it piece by piece in my registry... that was NOT a damn good idea. When I rebooted my mouse started going in skrewed up directions when I moved it and when ever I double clicked on something instead of opening it I would copy the same file about 10 times onto my desktop... My keyboard totally stopped working at all. I had to reformat I think...
WaterMelon34 said:
dude once I was trying to remove a virus by deleting it piece by piece in my registry... that was NOT a damn good idea. When I rebooted my mouse started going in skrewed up directions when I moved it and when ever I double clicked on something instead of opening it I would copy the same file about 10 times onto my desktop... My keyboard totally stopped working at all. I had to reformat I think...

Lol. If you're going to edit the registry, be careful.

I think the anti-virus websites eg Symantec, have specific guidelines and steps for deleting a virus, if you don't have the software, or it didn't work.
WaterMelon34 said:
dude once I was trying to remove a virus by deleting it piece by piece in my registry... that was NOT a damn good idea. When I rebooted my mouse started going in skrewed up directions when I moved it and when ever I double clicked on something instead of opening it I would copy the same file about 10 times onto my desktop... My keyboard totally stopped working at all. I had to reformat I think...

I know im bumping this, export your registry first before editing

this will make a backup copy so if you need to revert, you just import your saved registry

Sprafa said:
He's older than me so he would probably kill me if I removed his account from the Admin list.

u know what?
i dare u to install one of those old 50mb HD's just one time :p
and if ur brother gets mad, just say "hey i was dared.. and i wasn't gonna back down from a measly dare" :)