Stupid Newspaper Statistics


May 28, 2003
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This is from todays paper. See if you can spot the problem with the questions they are asking.
P.S. this isn't a funny haha thing, I am just pointing out that the poll asks poorly worded questions that make the resulting statistic very useless, (except for writing a feel good page in the paper).
I might want others to do more to reduce emissions, but whether they do or they don't doesn't affect my responsibility to do my best personally.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
What a bunch of ****ed up questions :| But what can you expect, this was taken from a newspaper eh?

Sounds like they violated validity in this test a numerous amount of times. That has a direct affect against results and the answers given in relation to the independant variables of the vignette or whatever they used to get the stats from. Validity has been comprimised, therefore statistics = untrue/bias.
I will need to pay more money for many products, particularly energy products (Gatorade??), to make progress in addressing environmental problems.

I think that this question is asking if you think that environmental progress will cost money. Why are we polling citizens on that? It's not a matter of opinion, it is a matter of economics.

It might also be asking if you personally would pay more money in order to make progress, but the firmness of "I will need", doesn't leave a lot of room for opinion.