Stupid people, doing stupid things for our entertainment


Oct 1, 2003
Reaction score
Since the skater breaking his arm was such a big hit, ("Push it back dude! Push it back"), I thought it was time to start a new thread for these wonderful videos. These guys deserve everything they get. Once again, be warned, there's a little bit of blood.

Video #1
Do you think the guy that hit him actually meant to do it the way he did? Or a drunken accident? This is a debate for the ages, I tell you.

Video #2
Well, gee, that was a cool trick! Was it worth it? I certainly think so.

Video #3
Yet another cool trick! Definately worth it. Now, for an even better trick, let's see you walk after that.

You've all been warned. :upstare: And please do add your own links. I love this stuff.
404 Not Found
The requested URL '/5225db9b28848bea11aa6159d0934844/tooti1.wmv' was not found on this server.

Well, that sucks.

The only way I can link to it now involves porn banners. :(
Non-Sequitur said:
Well, that sucks.

The only way I can link to it now involves porn banners. :(

sweeeeet! :bounce:

i'd say do it, but that might involve a temp ban, so ... don't do it
Either way, the first 2 videos are on the front page of Stileproject, under extreme hardcore video... the first one was labelled "Stupid Frat Morons", and the 2nd is "Holy F**king bad luck".
Stileproject ?, ah yes that site rules :thumbs: ;)
simmo said:
Stileproject ?, ah yes that site rules :thumbs: ;)

Would I get banned if I linked to the video download windows that contain porn banners? :)
Heh, some funny.... some nasty, some just gruesome. :-/