So I've been playing half life 2 through nicely before this problem, nothing wrong, just good fun with a good game. This doesn't really seem like a big problem but its starting to piss me off, I start the game, and then it starts up, shows the valve dude with the valve for an eye... then it goes black... shows the trade mark stuff, and then it just shows the main screen there and it says loading in the bottom like usual. Then all a sudden though the game just minimizes itself... it stays running at the bottom of my screen on my taskbar. Whenever I try to reopen it though it just minimizes again. I have tried shutting off my computer and logging off and stuff but it seems to keep doing it, and it's very irratating since I haven't played now in two days. The only other things open are the steam crap... I dunno, I have no computer knowledge really and any hints on whatever is happening would be greatly appreciated, thanks for reading. Peace. ;(