Stupid Question


Sep 1, 2003
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I went to a McDonalds today and got a Coke. On the top are these things that pop with Diet and Other written next to them. What the hell are these things for????? :imu:

Of course Google can't help me in this... :sleep:
You mean the things you push down? Those are so you can tell what the drink is if you have multiple drinks that look the same.

That sounds like a pointless invention.
if theres more than 1 person in the car (if you go through the drive-thru) its easy to tell whos is whos
Well, if you had a diet coke and a coke right next to each other, you probably couldn't tell which is which without tasting it. The little push things eliminate the confusion by telling you which is the coke and which is the diet coke.

I can think of many other pointless inventions. Crystal Pepsi, the Pet Rock, and Sea Monkeys are ones I can think of now off the top of my head.
That is of course...if they actually press the things down which they invarriably don't whenever I've been. Not that it matters, it only takes a second to find out whic drink belongs to who.

I really pointless (and annoying) drink is the Coca Cola drink they started selling a while back. It was basically, tap water without the additives, in a bottle.
I think you are talking about C2. I also didn't like it. I got a 20oz bottle of it and took one sip. I then just put the cap back on the bottle and threw it away because no one else wanted. Coke should just stick with the classics. New Coke failed, they should have learned their lesson.
Yeah...I didn't even bother buying it. I tried some from a friends bottle and decided I would actually rather drink from a tap.

Heh, its funny just going back a moment. The diet coke thing. It really doesn't matter who gets what. Lets look at it this way, diet coke is worse for your teeth than regular coke because of all the stuff they put in it. Ok, and now onto the more obvious point. Diet Coke...At a fast food restaurant. I can imagine it now

"Yeah, I'l have a cheese bu, what , yeah 2 Cheese burgers, 1 larges fries, 1 small fries, a Double Whopper and onion rings. Oh, and a Diet Coke."
no kiddin, i thought those push thingies were just something to play with when you get bored.
Farrowlesparrow said:
"Yeah, I'l have a cheese bu, what , yeah 2 Cheese burgers, 1 larges fries, 1 small fries, a Double Whopper and onion rings. Oh, and a Diet Coke."

Hey, you have to watch your figure.... :upstare:
"Now if you could take a coca-cola and just go half coca-cola half diet-coke cause im trying to watch my figure, try to loose some of the weight"