Stupidity Personified


Nov 16, 2003
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An absolutely idiotic arsehole, he was drunk at the time which is no excuse, climbs over a concrete barrier, trys to jump between 2 multi story carparks 2 feet apart, doesn't make it, falls 6 stories splattering himself on the ground, and is now suing. :hmph:
Razor said:

An absolutely idiotic arsehole, he was drunk at the time which is no excuse, climbs over a concrete barrier, trys to jump between 2 multi story carparks 2 feet apart, doesn't make it, falls 6 stories splattering himself on the ground, and is now suing. :hmph:
it'll probably get thrown out of court. I read a lot of these silly things are doing now as wasting the courts time.
wow what a dick, people like that make my fist itch
fool.... people like him deserve to be sued....for "intentionally defacing public land with blood"
Tr0n said:
Only in america.

I was going to tell you to watch what you say just incase you annoy any Americans, then i saw where you're from :).

And you say that Dark Elf, but there are always court cases in America about old ladies drying their dogs in the microwave or throwing coffee down themselves and winning.
The Land of Opportunity.

too right! :D

some guy in america noticed that his mulcher didn't have a warning sticker for the intake hole, so he stuck his hand down it :eek: and sued them for 6+ million :eek:
Hot coffee and chopped hands in lawn mowers.....People want to be compensated for their stupidity? Greedy, Lazy buggers....
The freestyle running thing (garage jumping) wasnt invented in America though...
The family says that's not good enough and that both garages need to take responsibility before a garage jumper loses his life.

Oh no, we must protect the innocent garage jumpers. If we try to protect all of the dumbasses in the world, we would soon have to get rid of or fence of anything which is dangerous:

stoves, objects with sharp edges, any vertical drop greater than 5 feet, objects which move faster than 10kmph, bright colours, wild animals, bicycles, windows, overstimulating pornography, hot food/drinks.

All of the above are a serious potential risks to the garage jumpers of the world. Putting stuff like that out there is not only dangerous, it's downright negligent.
France wasnt it? Originally called Parkour?
Anyway, theres many many ridiculous cases, mostly in America, like the one where a guy got his Cuban cigars insured, then claimed insurance after they were burnt, and WON. But the company sued him back and accused him of setting his own property (the cigars) on fire...they won. Guess thats fair in a strange way.
SimonomiS said:
France wasnt it? Originally called Parkour?
Anyway, theres many many ridiculous cases, mostly in America, like the one where a guy got his Cuban cigars insured, then claimed insurance after they were burnt, and WON. But the company sued him back and accused him of setting his own property (the cigars) on fire...they won. Guess thats fair in a strange way.
Yeah, and the guy who smoked cigarettes for 30 years, got cancer from it and then sued the manufactor because he diden't know it was bad for him loooool and he bloody won!!!
its amazing what kinds of things people try to sue for - HOW BOUT YOU DONT! JUMP OFF A BUILDING!!!!!!
Wasn't it a guy once that broke into the house at night, fell in the stain, broke a leg, and then sued the house's owner on $100 000, and won.
el Chi said:
Is this gonna be your new catchphrase? :)

Been my catchphrase for ages, it caught on when I was down a friends house and two of them were doing various class A substances. When it came for one of them to leave his mate said "See ya laters buddy, and remember, don't do drugs."
To which hsi friend responded, "Drugs are for mugs."
Highly amusing, and it stuck...

...that was the night they rang Tescos to ask if they sold crack-cocaine. Very funny indeed.
People like that don't deserve to have the rights to sue.
burner69 said:
...that was the night they rang Tescos to ask if they sold crack-cocaine. Very funny indeed.

Don't tell anyone, but they're about to launch a new line. We've been stocking the warehouse for months now with class A drugs.
What an idiot...Somone that stupid shouldn't be allowed a court hearing.
They've got a point, actually- if you Americans had a decent government, garage jumpers would be shot to pieces the moment they try and move across the rooftops! Row upon row of sharpshooters, ready to pop their heads! That would be a preventative measure! ...did I type that, or just think it?

Human stupidity better not triumph this time around.
Edcrab said:
They've got a point, actually- if you Americans had a decent government, garage jumpers would be shot to pieces the moment they try and move across the rooftops! Row upon row of sharpshooters, ready to pop their heads! That would be a preventative measure! ...did I type that, or just think it?

Human stupidity better not triumph this time around.

No, we'd rather let the stupidity weed itself out.
Well, there's hope for humanity at least: the poll on that website is overwhelmingly in favour of common sense, although over 200 people need to be stabbed with a big pointy stick.

We don't let stupidity weed itself out, that's the problem- we go out of our way to keep people like that in society, by allowing cases like this to get to court and sometimes even win. Some people are like those bloody impotent pandas that really don't seem too bothered about their survival...
Farrowlesparrow said:
Don't tell anyone, but they're about to launch a new line. We've been stocking the warehouse for months now with class A drugs.

It would be well funny if they did.

"I would like to complain, your no frills ecstasy did not give me the buzz I required, next time I shall be shopping at Kwik-e-fix."
SupremePain said:
Yeah, and the guy who smoked cigarettes for 30 years, got cancer from it and then sued the manufactor because he diden't know it was bad for him loooool and he bloody won!!!

But 30 years ago, I dont think cigarette manufacturers admitted it caused cancer. Im not sure as im only 16 years old.
Make the parking garage a few hundred feet higher, that will teach them to mess up.
put sharp pointy spikes at the bottom between the two garages, then leave the bodies to rot on the spikes as a warning to others.
"The jury found Ford 90 percent liable for the accident and assigned 10 percent of the responsibility to the driver."

That makes sense. :|
The Explorer SUV also passed all safety checks and was deemed fit for the road and to be sold by the safety people.