Stuttering IS a sound problem!!!



After countless hourd standing in front of my PC trying to figure out wtf was wrong with HL2, I had already realized that lowering the sound to low was helpfull but did not fix it, then it hit me... there is this sound problem, of HL2 not playing surround for many ppl, I was one of them, but in one of theese threads I found about the latest drivers, installed them and the 5.1 runned just fine, but I must have forgotten to switch back when testing to se the difference between 2 and 5.1 so I was still running under 2, THAT WAS MY PROBLEM! Make sure that the HL2 sound config matches your sound board, because if it doesn't everytime the PC has to load a new sound it has to transform it to the lower (or higher wich is worse according to my 7.1 test) config, THAT CAUSES THE STUTTERING, now my HL2 FINALLY runs just as it is meant to, my proof of it was to be able to go throw intro, and trainstation 1 without 1 single stutter, and smoothly, while using the blue gravity gun to cause some maiham and really test the stuttering... Even the loading time has diminished, now it's half of the previous one if not less!!!! So breathe a little easier and try it, as NOTHING else really worked for me (it only made it better but still very present) I think this is IT...

:cheese: :cheese: :cheese: :cheese: