

Aug 11, 2005
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Recently I've noticed that in Garry's Mod, Half-Life 2, Counter-Strike, etc. after a very short while it starts to stutter really bad. I mean, it runs pretty smoothly, but as I'm walking I just seem to keep "jumping". I turned on net graph in Half-Life 2 and I'm usually getting about 40 fps., which seems like it's a tad low for 2 7800's, and I know it shouldn't be stuttering.

Anybody know what I can do? Thanks a bunch.

I don't know what the hardware temps should be, but I've got my eye on a new front fan that should cool my pc down considerably.

Edit: 700th post woo
Your temperature should definately be under 60°C (which is already quite high). You can use RivaTuner to check your temperature.

Is your hard drive defragmented?
wow dude! nice set up.... i need to get a set up like that, my pc sucks... yet i have little to no problems while playing half life so you should be able to run it in all its full awsome source glory... maybe also try verifying the game cache... and make sure you dont have any thing useing up all your cpu power in the background.... IDK what to tell you... 40fps is something I'd expect from my shitty pc...
The hottest hardware in my machine are my graphics cards which are just about 60 degrees celcius. I have no idea if my harddrives are defragmented.

I changed some anti-aliasing setting on my desktop and that seems to help... silly Nvidia options... it still seems to jump slightly, though. It seems like I'm getting 70-80 frames per second in a place like Nova Prospekt, which is decent, but about 40 fps and more stuttering when I'm outdoors, with more detail around.
your cards getting too hot is probably your problem... 60 degrees celsius is 140 degrees fahrenheit... you should probably look in to getting some heat sinks or water cooling for them
Yes... but I mean, last time I played Quake 4 it was flawless, I play with the 500 video meg required ultra high mode, 8x anti-aliasing. Feh, I dunno. I'm gonna go look on newegg for something to cool GPU's.
i belive Quake 4 uses the same enigne and graphics as doom 3, both are by ID but i could be wrong... just saying that on my pc i can run doom 3 on all the highest setting... it pauses for like a second every 30 seconds but even for my crapy set up thats still pretty good... but for yours, that should be no sweat.
Hmmmm... Doom 3, do you mean you play it with 16x anti-aliasing and 1600 x whatever resolution and all that? Mine runs it good, obviously, but I keep it at 1280 x whatever because that's my monitor's limit, and I use 4x anti-aliasing because it chops up a bit during intense scenes when I have 8x on. Should I be able to do better (besides the resolution... and I think besides anti-aliasing everything is maxed)?

Need to open up my computer to check something later... but do you think it's just temperatures that are the problem? Or how do I verify the game cache, what is that? I am noob.

Edit: k, well, I was looking at Newegg for GPU fans. I'm going to need two, obviously. I was looking at these, the reviews are good, but it's very pricey for a fan.
Here's the list of them.

And my friend showed me this 120 mm. chassis fan, tell me if it would be a good choice or not.

Oh, and my GPU says 50 celcius right now, it will raise about 10 when I've started gaming. Regardless, that still isn't too good. I do want a new 120 mm. chassis fan for my pc, but I'll only get GPU fans if I should.

Thanks a bunch, guys.
if you cant run doom 3 on full settings with duel gpus and a duel core processor then some thing is seriously wrong... I'd put my money on gpu fans, heat sinks, and/or water cooling... it could also be that you don't have updated drivers for you graphics card and/or updated directX... look in to that too because i think with out drivers the games will still run with the graphics card but wont take full advantage of the engine that the card should be running so it simply just pushes it out... I dont know... ( im kinda make stuff up as i go, but updated drivers would help ). I dont know much about fans so try posting " are these fans any good? " in the hardware/software section would be best. and to verify your game cache open steam>mygames>right click on any game>properties>local files>verify integrity of game cache...
I guess that's that. :)

I've looked for drivers for the card on Nvidia's web site, I don't think there's any more I can get, could you link to some DirectX drivers I could try, then? My processor is 25 degrees celcius.. that's good, isn't it? I figured something wasn't quite right with my machine. Alright, I'll create a thread later, unless someone pops in and says something, and I'll go do the verification thingy now.
Oh, I have DX9. :) I thought there may have been updates for it or something.

But I did the verification thing, and it seems to be going smoother. Good news! But I should still get some new cooling, eh?
wouldn't be bad... only good can come of it... except an empty wallet.