Stylish Headphones, Milady-my new band


Jul 5, 2003
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Well, I just made it into a new garage band, Stylish Headphones Milady. It's very weird and indie but their music is funny and random. I'm joining as their new keyboardist/singer (because they are in dire need of a good singer)

What do you think of their music? (note, none of this music includes me.)

Xenith is a poorly done concept for a song they plan to do live, and I personally think either two chords or the wild west are their best songs.

EDIT: I'm the one called "klingensmith" there btw.
cool offense, but the keyboard in those recordings is terrible sounding - sounds worse than my 10 year old learner keyboard from wal-mart. Are you the one playing on these recordings?

But don't get me wrong, these still some good sounds there....the drummer does a good job of laying down nice time, not getting in the way....
in listening to it again....the solo guitarist has a decent ear for crafting nice, smooth sounding melodies that flow real nice.....they don't go outside the box, but thats not always the point. good stuff.
thanks. No I am not playing keyboard in those, the bassist is. They actually were using a little kiddie piano, I think it was an 80's rapman or something. The lead guitarist has a crapload if strange instruments, and that happened to be the only keyboard he had (which is one of the main reasons they are letting me into their band)
Awesome name. I'll wait till you add your spice to it to listen to their music ;)
okay, I recorded my first song with them. It was a little, short 2-chord filler track called "the south with save your soul"(its on the myspace now) in short, i've never had so much fun recording something before. The track itself wasn't that good, but we had so much stuff going on at once, (ie, everyone in the band singing off key as we sang while someone scratched randomly on a violin) that it made it exciting.

In that track I was playing glockenspeil and organ, both of which were not very good at all, mainly due to the fact that I had no idea what I was doing. But it turned out quite alright for being a couple of hours worth of work. Frankly, I don't really care that it didn't sound that good.