Sub machine gun found in my neighborhood!


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
Its this one: :O :O :O

Apparently, its a favorite by communist spies. This gun is about 10 ~ 15 years old, and was buried in a plastic bag, and was found by a kid and his dad when the heavy rain uncovered the bag. This wasn't really next-door type of closeness to my house, but it was still within the boundaries of Samchundong (the name of neigborhood) in which I live in. The news said that there was 2 clips of ammunition with it.

Heh. Interesting things happen every day. :D
15357 said:
Apparently, its a favorite by communist spies.
Perhaps I shouldn't have wrote that. :p
As much as you poke Numbers for his Commie-paranoia, the Skorpion was created in Czecheslovakia in the Soviet era, so it IS something that's worked its way through the Communistic circles.

-Angry Lawyer
Heh. Shame you didnt know earlier, you would have scored a free gun!

Although you would probably be arrested...
There are hidden guns everywhere in Number's neighbourhood, but they're official hidden guns. This one wasn't.
Communists are responsible for there being testicles on the internet, Stern? :p
Well you do live in Korea. Keep an eye out for the dirty commies.
Greatgat said:
Communists are responsible for there being testicles on the internet, Stern? :p

yes, he's alerting the internets about the growing penis conspiracy

I think you guys are the ones that make shine. :p
I thought those dastardly communists would try and fluoridate your water, not shoot you.
15357 said:
...there was 2 clips of ammunition with it...
it's actually "...there were 2 magazines of ammunition with it..."
uh.. sry, i couldn't help it. but wow, how often do you find an smg in someone's neighborhood, and that neighborhood isn't the avenue?
Well, I hate to say it, but you were right about your paranoid ultra-conservative nationalism Numbers.

Now get out there, and fight those commies!
That's eerie given the nature it was hidden and that it's an enemy's weapon of choice. Most likely is a communist somewhere in the neighborhood.
Is there something your dad's not telling you, numbers?

Why would a communist need to use a communist gun?

Are capitalist guns the equivalent of vampire garlic to commies?
kirovman said:
Is there something your dad's not telling you, numbers?


Say njet to vodka? That's one of the best Russian inventions evah.
Mechagodzilla said:
Why would a communist need to use a communist gun?

Are capitalist guns the equivalent of vampire garlic to commies?
Because I imagine it'd be sort of difficult to just come in without super detailed identity info and just pick up a fully automatic sub machine gun from South Korea :dozey:
Wow someone found a gun!

If it was a full on cache of assualt rifles i could understand your concern.
Shakermaker said:
Say njet to vodka? That's one of the best Russian inventions evah.

het is code word for an illuminati organization bent on world domination ..their first target being the hearts and minds of HL2.netters, next stop the white house! (that shouldnt be too hard)

oops I've said too much ..I must report to the re-education centre
Angry Lawyer said:
As much as you poke Numbers for his Commie-paranoia, the Skorpion was created in Czecheslovakia in the Soviet era, so it IS something that's worked its way through the Communistic circles.

-Angry Lawyer

So glad you're back. :thumbs:
Terminator said:
Wow someone found a gun!

If it was a full on cache of assualt rifles i could understand your concern.
A gun in a plastic bag with magazines, which sounds like it was placed to be dug up at a later time, a gun that is used by spies... you do the math.
I'm willing to bet there's more than a few lugers in the US ..ZOMG!! amerika is full of nazi spies!!!
Lugers have been around since before the Nazis so I don't think that counts...
DreadLord1337 said:
I found a panzershreck in a bush once. But that's America.

I read that as you'd found a panzershreck in Bush.
DeusExMachina said:
Lugers have been around since before the Nazis so I don't think that counts...

^ nazi sympathizer

/stern writes on pad of paper: "potential spy" next to DeusExMachina' name
Geez, all I found in a bag under a rock by the river when I was a kid were some sweet p0rn mags. Too bad the world is so sick that they have to start placing guns there instead of teh p0rn0...;(