Subtle forms of income


Space Core
Aug 22, 2004
Reaction score
I'm just curious as to what kinds of ways some of you acquire income. Assuming it is not from a full/part time job and not from your parents, where/how do you get money?

Some examples might be you sell t-shirts or maybe give guitar lessons...etc

Personally, I work full time but I give an occasional guitar lesson after work or during the weekends.
I live on student grants (plus student loans) and work a little during the summers. No problems with cash so I'm happy :)
I live on student grants (plus student loans) and work a little during the summers. No problems with cash so I'm happy :)

Just wait until AFTER school when they want their money back :P
I find a lot of money on the floor at the club I work at.
I was sat in a pub a few weeks ago by one of the 'IT Box' game machines when all of a sudden it started making batshit insane noises. I looked over at it and it spat £10 out of the note dispenser. Naturally I made off with it.

And that is how I support my income, by drinking at a pub that pays me to be there!
I sell t shirts (7 - 10 dollars... when I get big orders I can make about 200 dollars for about 3 hours of work), I produce music (usually can rank in about 1000 dollars from like 3 days of work), sometimes I fix my relatives computers so thats an easy $20, and sometimes i drive people around.
i get help from my folks until i can get a student loan, some student + apartment subsidiaries, take photos at clubs for a nightlife website. plus that im a cheapskate and find/steal alcohol :D i find stuff like full whiskey and vodka bottles regularly.
I sell t shirts (7 - 10 dollars... when I get big orders I can make about 200 dollars for about 3 hours of work), I produce music (usually can rank in about 1000 dollars from like 3 days of work), sometimes I fix my relatives computers so thats an easy $20, and sometimes i drive people around.

What kind of t-shirts? You have a website?
What kind of t-shirts? You have a website?

Just regular screen printed t shirts, with screen filler etc. I don't have a website but think Warhol... but less epic. i was trying to get a website but the whole credit card thing got out of hand and especially me being only 17 got kind of sticky.
what kind of music do you produce? is it beat/instrumental, jingles or mastering? that's quite a hefty amount for 3 days of work in your age.
I run a well known games fan website and forums, and I get extortionate amounts of money from hidden ads, and I don't contribute a lot to the site and I give my staff a really hard time.
I extort business men before I fulfill my hit contract on them.

It's more of a hobby really.
I run a well known games fan website and forums, and I get extortionate amounts of money from hidden ads, and I don't contribute a lot to the site and I give my staff a really hard time.

You talkin 'bout me :hmph:

i get help from my folks until i can get a student loan, some student + apartment subsidiaries, take photos at clubs for a nightlife website. plus that im a cheapskate and find/steal alcohol :D i find stuff like full whiskey and vodka bottles regularly.

Tell me where or I'll kill you.
Nothing yet, but it will be student grants/loans, and I want to get a job in a computer/tech shop.
I hate your life too Smoke


Oh yeah, forgot. Evo's also giving me £10k cash, which'll help pay for my new car.
Oh yeah, about that £10k see.....
I live on student loans, overdrafts and generosity.

I DJ rubbish parties sometimes, and good house nights rarely.
I run (with a friend) a clubnight featuring bands and DJs, where I DJ at, and split the door takings..
I also perform hits if the money is right.
I sell paintings, give 3Dstudio lessons to students, and work at a pub and restaurant on the weekends and weekday evenings.

And live on grants and loans for university as of now :naughty:.
I give people rides in exchange for free food and/or some cash...

Other than that, not really anything. I better find something soon or I won't be able to preorder the orange box.
Card games usually at the tav...

...also there's this neat party trick which can make you up to a grand a's awesome...
Grab a soft boiled egg and a regular sized mug with a small handle. Say to some random "i bet you $10 i can poke this egg through this cup" when he challenges you, don't show him. Wait for more people to challenge you and put the money somewhere (like on a table for eg) when teh moneh equals a decent amount say "ok ok i'll show you...i'll poke this egg through this cup" and hold the egg to the handle and stick your finger through, poking the egg....

easy money :D
Card games usually at the tav...

...also there's this neat party trick which can make you up to a grand a's awesome...
Grab a soft boiled egg and a regular sized mug with a small handle. Say to some random "i bet you $10 i can poke this egg through this cup" when he challenges you, don't show him. Wait for more people to challenge you and put the money somewhere (like on a table for eg) when teh moneh equals a decent amount say "ok ok i'll show you...i'll poke this egg through this cup" and hold the egg to the handle and stick your finger through, poking the egg....

easy money :D

Hm, among my company that would get me punched in the balls. :(
I just found a meal gift card for 1500 dollars on the sidewalk. That basically sets me up for free lunch all year.
Just wait until AFTER school when they want their money back :P

It's actually not that bad. Many students take the loans just to use the money to do investments since the conditions are so good. I'm to lazy for that though, so I live the highlife :P
I occasionally taxi friends and family for a small fee. It covers my petrol but with a little extra beer money.
I sell drugs to minors.