Subversion - the new game from the makers of Defcon, Darwinia, and Uplink!

Feb 24, 2005
Reaction score
I don't know if there was a thread about this before, but there needs to be one!!

Subversion is going to be set in a modern High Tech environment, with you taking "mission control" over a team of skilled operatives in a hostile High Security building. You will be using Sabotage, Social Engineering and Grifting, custom Electrical and Mechanical devices, Distractions, Hacking, Stealth, Acrobatics, Precision demolitions, Trickery, whatever gets the job done. In the best case scenarios your enemies will never know you were even there. When things go wrong, a well prepared escape plan and well timed precision violence will get you out of a tight spot - or maybe not.

Anyone who's a fan of Introversion will know we love our movies, and many of our games are inspired by some truly great ones. Subversion's key movie influences would be high tech Heist movies like Oceans 11, Mission Impossible (the TV series - another old favourite from childhood to sit alongside Wargames and Tron as massively influential on us), Entrapment, Sneakers. You may also see a lot of Uplink in this game - which is no accident, as we've always considered Subversion to be the "Spiritual Sequel" to our debut game.

The combination of your guys physically on site using their own special skills and equipment, mixed with you taking control of building systems via computer hacking, opening locked doors, disabling cameras, exploiting weaknesses in security systems, is something of a holy grail of game design for us.

Visually i've always been drawn to the schematic style of graphics, with crisp vector lines and moody blue tones. What you see in these screenshots is far from finished - we've lots of plans for the look, but broadly speaking you are going to be looking at 3d blueprints. The visual brief has always been quite simple - what would Uplink look like if it was set in real building rather than inside a computer? The people are the biggest challenge, one which we haven't nailed yet - the Pacmen in these shots are definitely placeholder material.
Other source.


Oh ****, that sounds and looks absolutely awesome.
Pass, these guy don't know how to make a fun game.
i'll maybe keep an eye on it. Looks similar to Uplink which seemed like a cool idea but i didnt particularly like the demos for defcon or darwinia. Darwinia was a criticial darling aswell and i just did not get all the fuss for it plain and simple! =/
Pass, these guy don't know how to make a fun game.
I'd say they're worse at making games than they are at manufacturing fun, if they're bad at anything at all. What I mean is, their games don't fit straight into standard genres because they seem to specifcally start with an idea of what would be fun, and then they program around it.

Or with less pretentiousness: you're wrong, so Nurrr.

Unless it all turns out to be multiplayer focused again. Defcon and Multiwinia seemed fine games, but I'm just not that into playing against others.
Been following this game on the official dev blog for months, can't wait for this to come out.

I didn't really get into Darwinia and DEFCON all that much, but I spent tons of in-game hours in Uplink when I was younger.
I thought Subversion was going to be some sort of city/world sim :O

Looks interesting. I really like Darwinia, Multiwinia and Defcon, so I'll definitely check out some reviews when it's out.
I loved Darwinia. Due for another play-through soon, surely. I could take or leave DEFCON after a few days of initial fascination. Didn't really have all that much depth.

Looking forward to this.
I thought Subversion was going to be some sort of city/world sim :O

Looks interesting. I really like Darwinia, Multiwinia and Defcon, so I'll definitely check out some reviews when it's out.

It will have a procedurally generated city from what I've heard, which will sorta function like a hub like the world map in Uplink etc.