Suddenly its all praises.

Aug 13, 2003
Reaction score
I feel this needs to be addressed. I feel this is the most appropiate place for this topic.
Now that the half life 2 download is available its all hugs and kisses for valve but a few days ago when it was apparent there was another delay with the pre load there were once again insulting comments to valve and gabe himself. Some very harsh comments I may add.

Im not sticking up for anyone here, im not trying to earn any brownie points but some of you kids need a slap in the face. Everytime you cant get what you want you feel you need to insult someone.

You need to take a step back before you post and actually think that you may be upsetting someone. Im sure all of you lot that insult are not perfect in the slightest.

Still young though, so please learn.

Gabe himself probably doesnt care but I myself find it annoying.

So there you go. My 2pence.
I feel this needs to be addressed. I feel this is the most appropiate place for this topic.
Now that the half life 2 download is available its all hugs and kisses for valve but a few days ago when it was apparent there was another delay with the pre load there were once again insulting comments to valve and gabe himself. Some very harsh comments I may add.

Im not sticking up for anyone here, im not trying to earn any brownie points but some of you kids need a slap in the face. Everytime you cant get what you want you feel you need to insult someone.

You need to take a step back before you post and actually think that you may be upsetting someone. Im sure all of you lot that insult are not perfect in the slightest.

Still young though, so please learn.

Gabe himself probably doesnt care but I myself find it annoying.

So there you go. My 2pence.

Why complain when you can pre-load??
Sure, some people on this board should get less emotionally involved- it's just a game, after all- but there's no harm in having a good old whine once in a while. (And considering the size of this board's population, that naturally translates to a shitload of whining. :D )

And having such a large population means that you get hundreds of idiots signing up, so my advice is to simply ignore people who put you or others down. If it gets too bad, the Admins will swoop down with their stick of banning justice.
I totally agree with you. Although I've been dissapointed in the past. I've never been overly harsh to or critical of Valve.
Mediocrity said:
Sure, some people on this board should get less emotionally involved- it's just a game, after all- but there's no harm in having a good old whine once in a while. (And considering the size of this board's population, that naturally translates to a shitload of whining. :D )
Saying 'there's no harm in whining once in a while' to justify insulting people is pretty weak. Sorry. Some people here simply have no respect for anyone or anything but themselves and what they want.
Mediocrity said:
Sure, some people on this board should get less emotionally involved- it's just a game, after all- but there's no harm in having a good old whine once in a while. (And considering the size of this board's population, that naturally translates to a shitload of whining. :D )
would u mind if i called your mum a stupid fat doughnut loving geek if she was late for a something? haha :)
Logic said:
Saying 'there's no harm in whining once in a while' to justify insulting people is pretty weak. Sorry. Some people here simply have no respect for anyone or anything but themselves and what they want.
yea that was what i was trying to say :)
shaun forsdyke said:
I feel this needs to be addressed. I feel this is the most appropiate place for this topic.
Now that the half life 2 download is available its all hugs and kisses for valve but a few days ago when it was apparent there was another delay with the pre load there were once again insulting comments to valve and gabe himself. Some very harsh comments I may add.

Im not sticking up for anyone here, im not trying to earn any brownie points but some of you kids need a slap in the face. Everytime you cant get what you want you feel you need to insult someone.

You need to take a step back before you post and actually think that you may be upsetting someone. Im sure all of you lot that insult are not perfect in the slightest.

Still young though, so please learn.

Gabe himself probably doesnt care but I myself find it annoying.

So there you go. My 2pence.

I know I know. Its like Melbourne's weather. One minute its crystal clear, not a cloud in the sky. The next, its pissing down rain. And then it goes back to good weather again. It just goes back and forth like a freakin tennis match
mutt said:
would u mind if i called your mum a stupid fat doughnut loving geek if she was late for a something? haha :)

Thank you sir! May I have another?
Logic said:
Saying 'there's no harm in whining once in a while' to justify insulting people is pretty weak. Sorry. Some people here simply have no respect for anyone or anything but themselves and what they want.

Bah, four posts while I edit? Anyway, check my second paragraph. Random shitheads on the internet aren't anything to get worked up about.
So we have ups and downs! The bad times make you appreciate the good times, without balance there is no point to existence!! Everything would be 1-dimensional and a straight line.

I wake up everyday and thank the powers that be for the variety in human emotion! It's great to see a bit of anger, it's great to see niceness!

Oh balance, how great it is.

In fact one can even draw paralells between Valves yoyo-marketing campaign and customers emotional state!!! FASCINATING!!

I really don't like Mozarts 40th Symphony, sorry...
I whined, and i'm not praising valve now! Whats so great about preloading? It's not like you can play it yet, is it! :frown:

No, i'm not going to completely happy until i've got the game and playing it. :E
"Its like Melbourne's weather"

you try living in New Zealand, it was nice and sunny this morning then bam, snow for a couple of hours, then the sun comes out again, more snow,rain,snow,sun... blah

luckily i was inside all day reading these forums
See me "praising" Valve? No. They are still a joke. Obviously the thing had to come out eventually.

Edit Hey Just Smurfen I'm in New Zealand too. :) Hasn't snowed here in Tauranga, but our weather has still been crap. :(
When people are happy they praise. When people are sad they bitch. (except for iamaelephant, I think bitching *makes* him happy) You can't help it. Personally, I never really saw the delays nor the way they handled them as a big deal, when the game is good enough it will come out; thus I never felt sad.
People on this forum are just some spoiled and impatient brats who would die in 44 secondes if they were left in the woods.

On the other hand, VALVe is making a great game, which will surpass everything we've seen since the Half-Life Part 1, and to surpass the original game, must VALVe surpass itself. Now that is something that not a lot of companies have the guts to do.

When the game will be out you will understand (and you'll drop on your knees and ask Gabe for forgiving you your impatience ;))
A.I. said:
People on this forum are just some spoiled and impatient brats who would die in 44 secondes if they were left in the woods.

On the other hand, VALVe is making a great game, which will surpass everything we've seen since the Half-Life Part 1, and to surpass the original game, must VALVe surpass itself. Now that is something that not a lot of companies have the guts to do.

When the game will be out you will understand (and you'll drop on your knees and ask Gabe for forgiving you your impatience ;))

****ing A right, I don't care how long Valve takes, I have confidence that they can deliver what they've promised.
this thread should be renamed to the 'venting on immature community members' thread. whatever floats your boat i guess

anyway, props to valve for hitting a date. although i don't think we've seen the last of missed announced release dates for hl2 related events.
Me and Gabe, we're like, soooooo connected. At the hip, almost. I feel like Gabe Newell.
Please don't stop the whiners. They usually give me a good laugh. It's always funny to see those little unhappy persons crying and swearing to Valve. oooh...
It obviously 'helps' some people to come onto the forums, flame Valve for a bit and this disappear again, their post count never reaching more than 5.
This forum is full of hypacrits, Valve should not give a release date unless they can make it. Im still dissapointed. But now i see people who were bitching 2 days ago making threads like

"Preload has started!! ILOVE YOU VALVE" Wait till they delay the game again, "VALVE IS A JOKE"
Tab said:
But now i see people who were bitching 2 days ago making threads like

"Preload has started!! ILOVE YOU VALVE" Wait till they delay the game again, "VALVE IS A JOKE"

I think anyone who has done that is a real pussy. Don't get me wrong, I'll bash if I'm unhappy and praise when it is deserved. Here I go...

GREAT JOB VALVe! A real accomplishment getting out the preload!

Now don't f*** us again in the future with your poor ability to make your deadlines. I'm happy that the pre-load finally came out, though after 3 or 4 false starts I certainly think our (or mine to be specific) whining was justified.

You people that can't bring yourself to even understand the concept behind the whine disgust me. I'm sure you'll be the same hypocrites that will be voting for Kerry ONLY because he's not Bush, and not because of any one policy of his that he stands for. (I myself have not decided which way to go...very complicated)

Obviously not you Brits, Fins, Swedes, Kiwis, Aussies on this point...though I'm pretty sure you'd not mind seeing Bush dissappear. Logic, gotta say your the most annoying Auss I've had the displeasure of noticing. Nag nag nag...worse that a woman, you whine as much about complainers as the complainers whine themselves. I'm sure you'll rant about this post for a while too. SEE we can all whine...the world is one. Aaaah the love. Give it to me people!
I agree with the first post.

Valve is one of the few companies that actually takes the time to listen to thier fans, so what do we do? We bitch and moan like Valve actually has to listen to us. It's completely pointless. It annoys everyone else on the forums and does no good whatsoever.

If I said "OMFG VaLvE SuXoRS!!11! TheY R teH UnORGanISed!!1" what have I accomplished? Wow, I insulted a company on a forum. Whoop-de-doo.

But if I said "I think Valve shouldn't give a release date that they don't think they can meet, it just leads to dissapointment. I would prefer it if they just held back and surprised us". See the difference? I have put accross my opinions in a way people can respond to intelligently.

It's not a hard thing to do, but some people here seem to be suffering from violent mood swings. One minute they condemn the whole of Valve for all eternity, the next they can't wait for HL2 to be out, and they love Valve. Why? Why? Why!?
jabberwock95 said:
I It's not a hard thing to do, but some people here seem to be suffering from violent mood swings. One minute they condemn the whole of Valve for all eternity, the next they can't wait for HL2 to be out, and they love Valve. Why? Why? Why!?

Cause all they want is a game, sad, but its true.
iamaelephant said:
See me "praising" Valve? No. They are still a joke. Obviously the thing had to come out eventually.

I assure you 100% that you'll be the first one to post on this forum that HL2 sucks, regardless of whatever a game it is. No, that's not because you didn't like the game, but you have to fulfill your vendetta against valve.
DiSTuRbEd said:
Cause all they want is a game, sad, but its true.
Uh, I hope you include yourself in that group Mr. 1000+ posts?
well, i get your point. but thats totally usual. normal human behaviour, you know.

angry if you dont get what you want, and totally happy (also forget about the past) when you finally get what you wanted to have.

just like children. if they see something in a store, theyre absolutely on fire and want to have it. parents say 'no', kid starts whining and flaming as fuk (well, flaming. whatever.), but if you give the kid the puppy everybody's happy. see?
See this is what i noticed. I'm not paticualry picking on wonkers here it's just that i noticed him doing it.

Come something like 6:20 "HAHAHAHAHA DELAYED!!!"

Come preload time he was nowhere to be seen :p
Its the "internet". Everyone is a supermodel and makes 5 Million a year. They are "smart" as Einstein and strong as an Ox.

Unless you meet them in person then they are a stupid little sniveling coward. Or an overweight obnoxious idiot.

They wouldnt say "half" the stuff they say on the internet in person if they had the "guts" to even go outside.

Anyway...... there you have it.
What is the temperature like during a New Zealand winter? I'm sure it depends on elevation, but I was just curious.
Aknot said:
Its the "internet". Everyone is a supermodel and makes 5 Million a year. They are "smart" as Einstein and strong as an Ox.

Unless you meet them in person then they are a stupid little sniveling coward. Or an overweight obnoxious idiot.

They wouldnt say "half" the stuff they say on the internet in person if they had the "guts" to even go outside.

Anyway...... there you have it.

Quoted for emphasis.

Very Jeff Goldblum of you :LOL:
shaun forsdyke said:
I feel this needs to be addressed. I feel this is the most appropiate place for this topic.
Now that the half life 2 download is available its all hugs and kisses for valve but a few days ago when it was apparent there was another delay with the pre load there were once again insulting comments to valve and gabe himself. Some very harsh comments I may add.

I'd just like to point out that I continue to insult Valve's planning abilities and trustworthyness, despite the fact that the preload has actually started. :cheese:
What really pisses me off is just how ignorant some people are. They complain and whine about Valve delaying games and not saying anything as if Valve is the only game development company in the world to do that. I think its because most of the people complaining have never actually followed a game so closely before.

Yes Valve has had problems but really, are you so immature that you can't accept that Valve can make mistakes? Can you accept that they really are trying the hardest they can? They work and work and work to please the fans with the final product and yet everyone complains and says Valve is the worst game development company in the world because they aren't trying to please the fans in the time leading up to the release of the game.

Give it a rest, Valve exists to satisfy its customers with the final game, not the process leading up to its release. That is how it is with all game companies. Now stop whining, complaining, and acting like Valve is a disobediant slave that is suppost to give you absolutely everything you want.
Aknot said:
Its the "internet". Everyone is a supermodel and makes 5 Million a year. They are "smart" as Einstein and strong as an Ox.

Unless you meet them in person then they are a stupid little sniveling coward. Or an overweight obnoxious idiot.

They wouldnt say "half" the stuff they say on the internet in person if they had the "guts" to even go outside.

Anyway...... there you have it.

Yes, yes, and yes.
shaun what town do you live in? I'm in suffolk too.
The Mullinator said:
What really pisses me off is just how ignorant some people are. They complain and whine about Valve delaying games and not saying anything as if Valve is the only game development company in the world to do that. I think its because most of the people complaining have never actually followed a game so closely before.

Yes Valve has had problems but really, are you so immature that you can't accept that Valve can make mistakes? Can you accept that they really are trying the hardest they can? They work and work and work to please the fans with the final product and yet everyone complains and says Valve is the worst game development company in the world because they aren't trying to please the fans in the time leading up to the release of the game.

Give it a rest, Valve exists to satisfy its customers with the final game, not the process leading up to its release. That is how it is with all game companies. Now stop whining, complaining, and acting like Valve is a disobediant slave that is suppost to give you absolutely everything you want.

Well said, how dare they take their time to make the game absolutely perfect. What a bunch of assholes.

They should've just released it full of bugs and what not a year ago and have it be worse experience overall. ;)