Suggestions to make CS:S better

operative x

Sep 22, 2003
Reaction score
So what ideas have you guys come up with to make it better? whether it be a physics improvement or gameplay improvment, what do you guys think would make this game incredibly cool?
My ideas-
*They should let you be able to let you shoot out lights in the game for a stealth advantage (or a disadvantage to your opponent like if you where a terrorist in office using this tactic against ct's) Of course this wouldn't require dynamics lighting to do this, old games in the past have let you turn off lights in their levels without dynamic lighting even possible at the time. I can't remember the name to this game i played a long time ago but it could work like that, where instead of using a lightswitch to make the room dark, shooting the light source would cause a triggered event to turn off the light.<hope that made sense.

cant think of anymore for now, post your ideas
id like a jetpack. maybe one available per team thats assigned like the bomb. and throwing knives. oh and the bfg9000 which is $16000.
Replace the flashlight with a "fleshlight". :thumbs:
PLZ dont be so ****ing stupid try some realistic improvemts like real thunder effects in aztec
or more player models. or the sheild back or someting (sry about the shield leaving it out whas briliant) but seriously pipe BOMS WTF thats nice for UT2004 plz .
BEEP BEEP BEEP! over-serious CS kiddie detected! evasive maneuvers, captain!
hey dont mess with me :p ill mess you up lolz . no man i seriously am sort of ensitive about the subject so i might have been over reacting but heeey pipe bombs trip mines plz i want somthing nice and there ist desteny for some cs mod to use trip mines and trowing knives.
Beep Beep Beep Beep!

well at least throwing knives aren't too far out there.
Why would Valve alter Counter-Strike by adding strange new weapons? It has remained almost the same for years.
dude why weapons ????
try graphic improfments like the wter aint that good valve could learn somting from crytech (makers of Far Cry)
More map types.

(Ones in css now)

(Ones missing)

Plz they shoiuld make new ones. New scenarios. Thats the #1 thing they can change to make the game better.
wait a second... they might actually have something with the pipebombs and tripmines.

They could add in something like bouncing betties from vietnam-based games. Sort of like infantry mines. And the pipebombs could be the terrorist equivalant.

Of course, I can forsee it seriously offbalancing the gameplay with those. And the griefers plopping hundreds of them at spawn... shudder.
One thing i think they should do is make wee graphical changes to things like grenades, for instance...

Ct's have the normal grenades already in the game, where the T's could have somethin that looks like a real terrorist would use in real life.

Now am not sayin that anything should be different between the grenades like the damage and damage radious but just the skins for them.

Also for the radio commands in the game they should have a different voice for terrorists isntead of having the same for both teams.

P.S. I think they should have 3d voice in the game where you can speak into the mic and only the people in the versinity could hear you, for instance... You are on one side of a box and an enemy is on the other side, you could shout only at him, so every1 else in the game doesnt have to listen to you, or is someone is pinned down they could radio for help then when the other guy gets near he could start shout at the team mate ask if he's alright and try and get a plan goin.

Basically, the 3d sound would be good so not everyone in the same team has to listen to some guy slabbering down the mic if they arent near him!
Also I think they should remake the map cs_estate.
I know alot pf different people didnt like it in cs, but they could do some cool things in it usin the source engines capabilities.
Maybe time for new gametype
can't think off one as long its fun.
hmm, I would like Much Bigger Maps and more civilans in it, plus possible veihciles
Make it so barrels do not push you back... resistance is one thing, but them having negative gravity towards players is another. It seriously sucks getting stuck in a doorway because a pail bucket is blocking you.

Different voices would be nice... and I agree with the above post about making one set of commands be for radio, the other set for local voice. Either that or improve the microphone chat so it only goes a certain distance from the player.
Splinter Cell: Pandora Tomorrow for the Xbox has a brilliant idea of how to handle the voice, but it was poorly executed. Pretty much you could set traps that would 'tag' an enemy player and allow you to spy in on their conversations... you could also do this if you zoomed in with your sniper rifle. Another thing... if you grab another player from behind, they can hear you as you taunt them.

Very cool idea... but not enough people use the voice chat feature in CS to really impliment it effectively.
Chiablo said:
Make it so barrels do not push you back...

its not as easy as you think. if it was dont you think valve would have fixed it by now? we think that somehow once we get the SDK, we can download it and flip a switch to get rid of the pushing that physics objects do. i dont think so, its not that easy
Having different voices for the teams is a great idea.
It would also be nice to have more "urban" type maps, it would be very cool to have firefights in the middle of a street or near a bank. Like that bankrobbery that happend in L.A. where these 3 guys had ak-47's and there was a huge firefight with them against the cops, recreating a scene like that in cs:s would be cool. They could create a bank that you could go in, then have a huge parking lot with about 30 cars that you could run around like a maze while your being shot at, that would be awesome.