suicide bombing


Companion Cube
Jan 11, 2005
Reaction score
I played a bit yesterday and got about 8 kills in a round by loading a fast ground vehicle's front with C4s and driving them into tanks, APCs, helicopters, ect.

pretty fun if you don't mind the deaths.
Doppelgofer said:
i've only done it once before and found it hilarious

especially if you crash it into a full APC and/or you manage to somehow survive.

oh the satisfaction.
This is a really inviting title if someone new is here and they just stop over this area. They have no idea what's going on. Also if the FBI feels like coming...
Its ok, I live almost halfway around the world from the FBI.

I guess people are still paranoid though. I see what you mean.
15357 said:
Its ok, I live almost halfway around the world from the FBI.

I guess people are still paranoid though. I see what you mean.

Just in case, have you seen one of these following you around?
Haha, I do this all the time.

But some people don't do it right. You can't drive up, hop out, run and detonate. No, no, no, you gotta go with it. Just drive up, hop out, BOOM.

To finish it off, you gotta type "Owned."
I find it much more fun to put the C4 in an APC, let the enemy take over the base and then blow it up when they are all at the flag or loading up in the APC to leave.
Ah, doing it reminds me of the good old days on C&C renegade MP putting evey mine, C4 brick and every other explosive to hand on a NOD buggy before ramming into a mamoth tank... ah fond memories. nothing quite like doing your best impression of a Kamikasi pilot/Iraqi insergent....
Foxtrot said:
I find it much more fun to put the C4 in an APC, let the enemy take over the base and then blow it up when they are all at the flag or loading up in the APC to leave.

I did this when I was going for my explosives badge. I'd rig a tank with 2 c4 and jump out when I saw an infantry guy charging and just blow it up.

I found a better way to get kills and points with c4 though. Stealthily take a point that nobody's fighting over (on Karkand), leave c4 in all locations that people like to cap in so that if they cap they die. Then just walk away from the point to go elsewhere for a bit. Once you see the point turn neutral on the map, blow it and get the kills. Then go and get the point again and ask for a supply drop doing it over again :P
AmishSlayer said:
I did this when I was going for my explosives badge. I'd rig a tank with 2 c4 and jump out when I saw an infantry guy charging and just blow it up.

I found a better way to get kills and points with c4 though. Stealthily take a point that nobody's fighting over (on Karkand), leave c4 in all locations that people like to cap in so that if they cap they die. Then just walk away from the point to go elsewhere for a bit. Once you see the point turn neutral on the map, blow it and get the kills. Then go and get the point again and ask for a supply drop doing it over again :P
I earned mine on Karkand too, I just threw down C4 on corners and waited :)
I used to do it, then I noticed I got a whole lot of negative scores on that second coloumn of numbers (when you press tab).
Teamkilling eh Dumb Dude? Yeah that's the problem ive found with c4- you have to be very careful where you put it and when you detonate.
Me and my squad were defending the woodyard on Dragon Valley (at the bottom of the hill on the west side) and i had c4 at either entrance, but when i detonated to kill an incoming tank, id often kill my own guys at the other end of the spawn.
What's bad is when you are commander and you set an artillery on an area full of baddies and half of your team raids (you give them a bunch of notice before hand) the area in which you want to blow up then you get a **** load of TKs. :x
Shodan said:
Just in case, have you seen one of these following you around?

no, just a white van with KGB on it. (it stands for some kind of moving company).

Also, on my suicide runs, the survival rate is low. In fact, I survived only 2 times in 15 runs.
I've never survived, but I've done some craaazy shit! I used all my C4 on one buggy, then blew up 2 tanks at once with it. Good times.
JNightshade said:
I've never survived, but I've done some craaazy shit! I used all my C4 on one buggy, then blew up 2 tanks at once with it. Good times.

I got 3 30 minutes ago :)
I remember, I was spawning back at base and saw a few Pake men taking our attack helo, so as there rotor was spinning up, I ran up and pasted 2 firecrackers on it's tail. I watched them fly around for a bit before having some good 'ol american fun.

And once, I pasted 3 firecrackers on a truck and dropped it roadside in the middlle of nowhere, and camped out. Just as I planned, some troop of tards thought the truck was a godsend and jumped in. KABLAM!
I can't kill anyone, I plant my bombs, I go driving...but I jump out and get pwnd before I can detonate ;( I suck too much
cyberpitz said:
I can't kill anyone, I plant my bombs, I go driving...but I jump out and get pwnd before I can detonate ;( I suck too much

What you do, is you find a tank who is camping, then go RIGHT up to it and go prone. It wont be able to see you, you can call it out, and since you're spec ops, no ammount of UAV scans can let it see you. Then you paste some firecrackers no it, wait for it to turn around, then when it's not looking, run to some cover, go prone, and just watch him move around for a little while, or wait for it to get some backup then KABLAM!
I can do that part, I just can't do the suicide jeep. I put my boom booms on my vroom vroom and all I do is die die.
If you put the C4s in the very front of the vehicle and slam your vehicle into a tank or another vehicle, the C4 charges will explode 1.5 seconds later, killing you and the enemy.
Or if you just ram them as hard as you can, it'll usually disorient the human player for a few seconds, as they scramble to decipher what the **** just happened and where that dude in the jeep is.

By then, you're enough feet away to make it out of the blast!
I could swear you can see spec ops with the uav. Cause my artilerry and radar were fcuked, and I did a uav scan and you could see two dots. now as far as I know only the spec ops can blow up artilerry and radar, without vehicles.
A uav can see all people, the Spec Ops have no invisible mode or anything like that, not even snipers do.
cyberpitz said:
I can do that part, I just can't do the suicide jeep. I put my boom booms on my vroom vroom and all I do is die die.

Haha, that's the funniest thing I've ever seen written.
Razor said:
A uav can see all people, the Spec Ops have no invisible mode or anything like that, not even snipers do.

Sp Ops don't show up on satellite scans..., but they do on uav scans...
Really? I didn't know that Spec Ops don't show up...
