Suicide's Suicidal Freefall! [PICTURES]


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Clicky teh links!!!

Yep, this is Suicide's Suicidal Freefal.

Are you bored of shooting enemy soldiers in the face, then watching your lead rip open a gash of scarlet tears, and basking in the victorius moment of victory?

Are you tired of dashing into an enemy outpost, slaughtering the opposition, planting C4 charges and sprinting the hell out of there while laughing manically?

Would you prefer to kill yourself in wacky, hilarious ways?

Or do you just want to watch me kill myself in hilarious ways?

Well... whatever. I've gone and done it anyway. Read the instructions under the photos, and you can do it too!

Find a Jet
OK, first thing's first, find your ride. This one will do nicely.

Lock 'n Load
If you want to see fireworks, it's best to be a Special Ops guy, and litter the poor jet with tons of explosive charges. Make sure you only have the detonator left. Fireworks are fun.

Soar like a bird...
Put your foot down (or your arm, or whatever) and head for mainland. You'll be there in...

...over a desert
...No time. Enjoy the scenery as you sweep into the center of the map- next time you're here, I doubt you'll have time.

Goin' up
Set the camera to "behind" view, and head up. As far up as you can go, and as fast as you can do it.

rip open the sky. Dont stop heading up until you can't see anything but a white cloud below you (even WITH 100% draw distance), and when you finally can't see the location markers anymore...

...Shit. As soon as you eject, blow the plane apart with your handy detonator. Watch the wings shatter and spark into the distance, and the cockpit break and twist, crumpling under the pressure, hurtling through the sky.


Err... maybe this was a bad idea...
I have the draw distance on 75%, and for most of the freefall, everything is white. It's a really strange feeling; watching the location markers get closer and gloser, very slowly...

Dear lord, please say I didn't leave the iron on
By the time you can see the ground, you haven't got much time left, so say your last words...

Darth Vader: NOOOoooo
This is probally the point where you should be thinking "oh shit".


BANG. Splat. Ouch. I timed my freefall, and it took me forty one seconds to hit the ground, from when I detonated my plane. See if you can beat my record :)


If you're really good, you'll be able to bomb the control tower of the aircraft carrier, using your body alone!

Noes :(
I missed :S
thats great :E

but now im sad cos i still have 2 hours of downloading :(
That's awsome!! Gotta go and try that.
59 Minutes to go! Cant wait after hearing all the good things about this game. Hope I dont have any problems that others have been experiencing.
haha, thanks :) What other extreme sports could we make...
lol at everyone with long times left, I downloaded in like 30 minutes with a 370kbps connection, and now I'm Foxtrot's bitch.

that's great sui :D