Summer Drinks


Sep 1, 2003
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To refresh myself after a nice walk to and fro the library, I concocted a drink consisting of Cola and Orange Juice creating a drink which tastes great yet looks intriguingly like fecal matter/diarrhea to discourage any wandering thirsty passerby.

Something like this only without the rum:

And now for the point of this thread, what do you drink when you're tired/thirsty/summer/screw you Southern Hemispherers/etc?
Mountain Dew if I have that craving...but mainly Tea....mmmm...Tea.
Gatorade mostly.

Any energy drink, be it Red Bull, Monster, Amp, etc.
Iced Coffee / Coffee Coolatas from Dunkin Doughnuts :D
If I had it my way, it would be Vodka, but I can't legally buy it, so its code red >_<
water mostly. If there was tea around here, I'd drink tea but there is no teat.
A nice ice cold Carling/Bud/Stella/Carlsberg :cheers:
I'm drinking milk right now. When I'm out though, usually I'll have either an Icee or a drink called a Suicide that I make out of a whatever fountain drinks are at hand.
Tap water > Bottled water....I guess the I got used to all the iron in the water down here :(