Sun Burnt and Tanned

Idonno >_<

Jul 2, 2006
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I am half mex, which means that I never burn. I might end up with a messed up shirt tan or bikkin line but thats all ok. I went to sea world the other day and my face is red. Any one know of anything that can help me so my face doesnt peal?
That is what i was thiking...I am sure that I have some in my house.
Anybody can burn. Don't think otherwise.

Anyways, horrible story. I got terrible sunburn twice in my life. The skin on my body started blistering into huge pus filled bubbles, and they occasionally burst, spilling out the yellowish clear plasma. Gross, nasty stuff. The pain was as excruciating as anything you could imigine, if it just came in contact.

It was on vacation too, both times, and I was young. Bad memories. We used sunscreen but didn't apply it often enough.
Nice...the only other time i have been was when i went to a tanning place, and went nude. My back and butt were so burnt i could not sit down. Which is why I never really use sun block. I think I am gonna start.
Anybody can burn. Don't think otherwise.

Anyways, horrible story. I got terrible sunburn twice in my life. The skin on my body started blistering into huge pus filled bubbles, and they occasionally burst, spilling out the yellowish clear plasma. Gross, nasty stuff. The pain was as excruciating as anything you could imigine, if it just came in contact.

It was on vacation too, both times, and I was young. Bad memories. We used sunscreen but didn't apply it often enough.

Done this myself once or twice too....not a pleasent experience.

I'd suggest either Aloe Vera or any Aftersun lotion with Panthenol in it.
You should really try Prey. If you can get past the Native American storyline it seems like a good game.
Tip... If you get a sunburn, I hear rubbing sliced tomatoes on your body will help. Leave the seeds on.

My aunts did that to us when we got our sunburns.
Yeah I heard that....And I also heard that milk products will help too. My grandma told me to soak my arms in milk.
Once I got a horrible sun-burn on my legs when hill-climbing (I put had pants on so I didn't apply sun-screan to them but my mam made me change to shorts before we left)

It hurt to touch them of anything (including my clothes) and they where practicaly glowing red.
Well, you're Irish. You burst into flames as soon as you step outside :p
I don't tan at all, no matter what. I turn ginger instead. :/
Lemon juice and natural yogurt. Squeeze a lemon over the effected area and rub<ouch>into the skin....allow to dry and apply natural yogurt. Leave it over night.

I used this method when I had sunburn on the back of my legs..the day before I tried this "local" treatment I could not walk. The pain was intense. The blistering didn't go away over night but atleast I could walk again and I did not need pain killers.
Meh you went red, doesn't always mean your going to burn. My entire upper back was red after coming back from beach a week or two ago. Was fine.

But yeah, personally ive never been burnt but thats not too surprising since I dont really like going outside much.
It's not good when your face peels because that means that you damaged your skin, but the pealing itself is not bad it's just your skin renewing itself.
Now when you get burned you should use an lotion specially made for use after sunbathing it relieves the pain greatly.

I myself only got seriously burned once in my life, I was on the beach but I spent the whole day under a shadow so I did not think I would get burned, my skin did not turn red until the evening when it suddenly turned all red and I had to apply lotion all over my body just to be able to sleap because of the pain.
Meh you went red, doesn't always mean your going to burn. My entire upper back was red after coming back from beach a week or two ago. Was fine.

But yeah, personally ive never been burnt but thats not too surprising since I dont really like going outside much.

The red is the burn......
I've never got burnt as bad as any of you guys. I tan easily though :)
I've never got burnt as bad as any of you guys. I tan easily though :)

I usually tan easily too. I have a weird tan line just from driving. One of my arms is darker then the other.

My dad and sister tan, me, my brother and my mam burn!

Its the other way for me. My mother and me tan easily, and my dad and sister burn like lobsters.
One time i spent a weekend at the beach. I got sunburned on my entire body. I couldn't sleep, or do anything for that matter. woo! the next week i was peeling like a snake! (i'm also mexican)
Yeah i really dont mind the pain, I am worried about the pealing. So if there is anything I can do to stop it, then pls let me know.
Try one of these


The cigar and tash is not included but they can be used in conjunction with the hat to protect the upper lip and various other body parts.
I think it works better if you're mexican too, unlike that guy.
I'm funny.. I really don't burn or tan, I've been out all day in burning heat and haven't caught the sun at all.. it takes a lot for me to tan, but when I do it stays for a long time..
I'm funny.. I really don't burn or tan, I've been out all day in burning heat and haven't caught the sun at all.. it takes a lot for me to tan, but when I do it stays for a long time..

How are you funny? :P
Isnt the burned part just dying skin? And wouldnt you want that to peel off once its dead?

Unless you want to look like a zombie I suppose....

/me gets an awesome idea
Isnt the burned part just dying skin? And wouldnt you want that to peel off once its dead?

Unless you want to look like a zombie I suppose....

/me gets an awesome idea

You don't want to force the peeling process... You can scar yourself and cause further worse tissue damage that way. Let the body take its course naturally at shedding the skin. Just keep nourishment up or topical treatments and that's all you should do.