Suped-Up Single-Player!


The Freeman
Apr 16, 2005
Reaction score
64 Bots, All Maps Are 64 Size (Includes jets), And your Ticket ratio is WHATEVER you set it to!

My normal BF2 SP ticket ratio - I set it to 1200 tickets.


Go To HERE, Download: 32 Bots on Single Player Mini-mod (Not 32, acually 64 Bots), BF2 SP 64 Maps Mod v1.03, BF2 Realism Mod v3.0

Now For the instructions for the ticket ratio thing, Unzip The realism mod to your desktop, now go in the folder to \Desktop\bf2_realism\python Take out the folder "Game" Now Go to Your Root BF2 Folder (C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\python) And put the "Game" Folder In Here, There are instructions in the readme of the mod that tell you how to edit the ticket ratio. Your Done!

Enjoy Your Suped-Up Single Player!

(I advise you to wait a little while longer after the map is done loading in your game, because it will go about 5-10 Frames Per Second, just let it load for like 5 minutes then hit "Join Game")

Oh And If A Moderator Is Reading This Can You Please Sticky it? I Think It Will Be Usefull For Alot Of People.
I didn't know you could play BF2 as a Single-Player Game.
Cool. I'll have to do this for when I take my comp to work and have no internet.


ahem. excuse my outburst.
****, my processor can't handle all the AI. :(
I'll do this if I ever have no internet, but I'll forward it to my friend who doesn't own the game yet *he pirated it to try it out...and will buy when he has enough money*...and he even still lives with his parents. He shoudl have the money in no time.
Anyones Computer Can Handle It, Just Set Your Graphics A Bit Lower, Look at my Computer specs in my sig, and I can get it running in like 10 minutes, with no skips or anything.
ray_MAN said:
It takes 10 minutes to start?!
maybe he has a slow processor? :(

And what happened to the 4 lines of sig limit? D:
Dog-- said:
Anyones Computer Can Handle It, Just Set Your Graphics A Bit Lower, Look at my Computer specs in my sig, and I can get it running in like 10 minutes, with no skips or anything.

I had a 2.4ghz CPU, 128mb vid card with directX 7 hardware thingy.

But now I have 2 gigs of RAM and 3.8ghz CPU on this comp. :D
15357 said:
I had a 2.4ghz CPU, 128mb vid card with directX 7 hardware thingy.

But now I have 2 gigs of RAM and 3.8ghz CPU on this comp. :D
rich bastard --;
It's not that my computer is slow, It has to load all the AI+all their movement at once and the big map And all the xtra vehicles, And it doesn't take 10 minutes, I timed it on my computer, It takes 5 Minutes and 36 Seconds (My computer was built with the best stuff 3 years ago, So I have the best stuff, From 3 YEASRS AGO)
Dog-- said:
It's not that my computer is slow, It has to load all the AI+all their movement at once and the big map And all the xtra vehicles, And it doesn't take 10 minutes, I timed it on my computer, It takes 5 Minutes and 36 Seconds (My computer was built with the best stuff 3 years ago, So I have the best stuff, From 3 YEASRS AGO)
I have a combo, the best stuff from 3 years ago,a nd the best stuff from the stone age.
Yea you can get the 32 or 64 bots in the demo, I'll figure it out, I'll post it here in a bit.
Ok, Since I don't know how to set the maps to 64 or 32 sizes (I could figure it out but Im too lazy) I'll make it so you have 32 Bots on the default 16 size map, thats the best I can figure out, It's better then nothin.

Go to the main battlefield demo folder then go to this --> mods\bf2\AI (I don't know the complete file path for the demo) And open the file AIDefault
With notepad and replace it all with:

echo *****************************************************************************************
echo ****************************************************************************
echo *****************************************************************************************

aiSettings.setNSides 2
aiSettings.setAutoSpawnBots 1

aiSettings.setMaxNBots 32
rem aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0
rem aiSettings.setBotSkill 0.4

rem To spawn more than 15 bots in SP, use the following lines instead of the three lines above.
rem Note that this is totaly unsupported, it will affect your system's performance 
rem and may even crash your game. That being said, you will most likely be able to run a lot
rem more bots than 15 on your system. 

rem Example for 32 bot game with expert bots

 aiSettings.overrideMenuSettings 1
 aiSettings.setMaxNBots 32
 aiSettings.maxBotsIncludeHumans 0
 aiSettings.setBotSkill 1.0


aiSettings.setInformationGridDimension 32


rem EOF

This should give you 32 Bots (MAKE A BACK-UP JUST IN CASE)
CyberPitz said:
rich bastard --;

My dad is a professor that teaches computer programming. The university gives him the computers. :D
15357 said:
My dad is a professor that teaches computer programming. The university gives him the computers. :D
Damn, ship me something :(
15357 said:
My dad is a professor that teaches computer programming. The university gives him the computers. :D
Heh, my uncle's a computer science lecturer in a university and he has a P4 2.4Ghz + geforce Ti4200. He used to work at Bell Labs, no idea why he decided to become a lecturer instead.
can anyone make me 20 bots AI file? that would be nice thx.
Here you go. Simply unzip the file, place it in ...\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\mods\bf2\AI\. Overwrite the file that is currently in there (or make a backup of it) as it won't hurt anything.


You can't with 1.2, IIRC. And if I told you how to do it for Singleplayer, it would carry on into Multiplayer and could get your account and CD-Key banned.
Go here --> C:\Program Files\EA GAMES\Battlefield 2\python\bf2\stats
And open with notepad, and put this in, all kits and weapons should be unlocked for singleplayer (REMEMBER TO MAKE A BACK-UP)

import host
import bf2.PlayerManager
from bf2.stats.constants import *
from bf2 import g_debug

# map gamespy item ids to kits
unlockItemMap = {
			11 : 0,
			22 : 1,
			33 : 2,
			44 : 3,
			55 : 4,
			66 : 5,
			77 : 6,

sessionPlayerUnlockMap = {}

def init():
	# Events
	host.registerHandler('PlayerConnect', onPlayerConnect, 1)
	if bf2.serverSettings.getUseGlobalUnlocks():
		host.registerHandler('PlayerUnlocksResponse', onUnlocksResponse, 1)

	# Connect already connected players if reinitializing
	for p in bf2.playerManager.getPlayers():

	if g_debug: print "Unlock module initialized"

class UnlockSet: pass

def onPlayerConnect(player):

	defaultUnlocks = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
	host.pers_plrSetUnlocks(player.index, defaultUnlocks, defaultUnlocks)

	if not player.isAIPlayer():
		id = player.index
		reconnect = id in sessionPlayerUnlockMap
		# always get new unlocks on reconnect/map restart/map change etc
		if reconnect:
			del sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id]
		newUnlockSet = UnlockSet()

		newUnlockSet.unlockLevel = {}
		for i in range(0, NUM_KIT_TYPES):
			newUnlockSet.unlockLevel[i] = 0

		sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id] = newUnlockSet
		player.unlocks = sessionPlayerUnlockMap[id]

		if bf2.serverSettings.getUseGlobalUnlocks():
			if player.getProfileId() > 2000:		
				success = host.pers_plrRequestUnlocks(player.index, 1)
				if not success:
					if g_debug: print "Failed requesting unlocks"
				if g_debug: print "Player %d had no profile id, can't request unlocks" % player.index
		if g_debug: print "Added player %d to unlock checking" % (player.index)

def onUnlocksResponse(succeeded, player, unlocks):
	if not succeeded:
		print "Unlocks request failed for player %d %d: %s" % (player.index, player.getName(), unlocks)
	print "Unlocks received for player ", player.getName(), "(",player.index, ") : ", unlocks
	# translate gamespy item vector into a kit-based unlock vector handled by game
	kitUnlocks = [1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
	for item in unlocks:
		if item in unlockItemMap:
			kitUnlocks[unlockItemMap[item]] = 1
	if g_debug: print "Kit unlocks: ", kitUnlocks
	#We do not yet support giving different unlocks to different teams
	host.pers_plrSetUnlocks(player.index, kitUnlocks, kitUnlocks)
Yes, but make sure you make a backup as he stated, or you can get your account banned.
Oh, ya thx panzer, Every time you go online, put the back-up file in place of that, as Panzer said, you can get your account banned
****!!!! I forgot to make a backup of the original file.. Could anyone mail it to me, please?

[email protected]

You'll have my eternal respect.
There are a few servers out there with all the weapons unlocked * how they did that..I thought it was bad?* and I can play on the net with yeah...maybe I can save this stuff for when I lose internet..or have ungodly high ping...or...armageddon..