Super Bowl XLI (Bears vs. Colts)


Apr 12, 2006
Reaction score
So, who do you all have your money on. I'm going for the Bears this year cause they could tear a colt to ribbons in real life.
I don't watch American Football, but I'm staying up until 3am today. How long does a match usually last?
6:45 EST

I'm rooting for the Bears. Underdog status and the same mascot as my school.
Wtf someone just scored from catching a kick-off. That's not supposed to happen, right?
I don't give a crap but I'd rather the Bears win.

I'm not watching it though.
Colts = Guns = Kill people.
Bears = Cuddly = Kill people.

Show me a team name that doesn't involve people dying, and i'll support it.
Hah, its startin to rain more. The ball just got fumbled twice in two plays.
It will be a close game, I expect Manning to come up big. Offense > Defense. :p
I like colts more because its my fav weapon in CS... Oh did I mention I don't really care about the super bowl? xD
I watch for commercials.

Oh yeah, Colts whatever.

I'll see the good ones all over the internet tomorrow...

I am really not interested in watching this though. I'll just hear all about the scores, and how people are pissed because their team lost blah blah blah.
That was the weirdest start to a game ever.

My dad and my brother in law were talking about how exciting it would be to see the Bear's punt returner run it back.

He did.

Then after the colts scored my brother in law commented how it would be funny to see them miss the conversion.

They did!

Then the crazy amount of fumbles....just hilarious. Either way, good game for the most part. A lot better than I was expecting.
I managed to miss everything by being at work.

Slow day + free food for working as a dishwasher and having people change their orders 30 seconds before their food comes out + not having to sit at home hearing my brother and his friends cheer and/or yell angrily at a game that hasn't changed in 50 years = awesome.
Colts = Guns = Kill people.
Bears = Cuddly = Kill people.

Show me a team name that doesn't involve people dying, and i'll support it.

The reference to the Colts are actually horses/stallions, hence the horse shoe.:)
I think I was either putting three foot bolts through demon faces in Painkiller or napping for the duration of the game.
Colts = Guns = Kill people.
Bears = Cuddly = Kill people.

Show me a team name that doesn't involve people dying, and i'll support it.

Colts as in the young stallion/male horses, not Colt the surname of the gun manufacturer...
Me and my friend had a semi party for it. Im the only one who is sort of interested in football at all, so it wasnt really a superbowl party. We actually went and got the "party food" after the game started, then we played hl2 episode 1 (took turns) since I was the only one who ever played that before. Then we watched some internet videos.

All the while, the football game was playing on two tvs. After half-time everyone left except for me and my friend (whose apartment i was at) so they could hand in their school projects. I did actually watch the last few minutes of the game where it was obvious the colts were going to win.

Oh, and once the other guys came back, we watched trigger happy tv and more internet videos.
I had it on my TV, wasn't really paying attention though.
Baby horses kill people too. You just don't know it yet.
I've already ordered my shipment of baby horses from World Domination Suppliers.

There'd be a TM there if it wasn't so unsure about itself.
I stopped caring after the Pat's got knocked out :(
I put down 5 bucks yesterday that the colts would win 29 to 17. Won me self a pigskin for getting the correct score.