Super Mario World Level Editor! :D

  • Thread starter Thread starter Joeyslucky22
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OH! its what i've allways dreamt for!

one of my dreams have finally come true!!!

halelulia praise the lord allmighty!

so yes, make your own level for the greatest game in the world, super mario world!

Heres the link to the download:

Heres the link to the creator's website:

Heres some of their screenies:

The editor is called Lunar Magic

And.. sadly... you can only use it on the super mario world ROM.. and you need an emulator too...

I can't supply you guys with that stuff so lol.. you're on your own with finding the super mario world rom and the emulator (..pst... use Snes9X! :p )

But really, this is awsome!

It takes some time to get used to and to understand it all.. but you'll get it!

I'll be posting a tutorial to help you out if you need it, soon so keep watchin this post for a little while!

and heres a little picture of my level ;) lol

Enjoy guys! :D
------Lunar Magic Tutorial------

1. Intro
2. Basics
i. Saving/Loading to and from the ROM
I. Start of level, secondary start, midway, ending
II. Adding sprites, Layer 1, Layer 2
III. Tileset

3. Doors/Pipes
4. Direction to diffrent levels
5. Water levels
7. Scrolling levels
8. Special Sprites
9. Custom Plattes
10. Overworld editor
I. Basics
II. Events

-------be patient i'll be posting these very soon--------
wow! - could be the coolest thing ever \o/

Don't make em like that anymore.
1. ----Introduction-----

Yeah so this is my...erm.. my own tutorial if i dont make sense just tell me!

So... I bet since the day you beat super mario world when you were 6, besides wanting to play again, you probably wanted to create your own levels! well, that day has come!

December 25th (christmas!) FuSoYa released his updated level editor - Lunar Magic

and ever since, i've been creating my own version of Super Mario World ;) hehehe

so, to start off:

Lunar Magic requires you to have a SNES emulator and the Super Mario World ROM

do NOT edit the only super mario world rom that you have! make a backup before starting just incase!

I cant give any links to either due to .. well legal rights but im sure.. google would be a good helper!

Once you aquire these 2 things start Lunar Magic.
You should have a blank screen, nothing there right? allright well now time to load your ROM onto Lunar Magic!

go to File - Open Rom and find the SuperMarioWorld.smc

now to get your emulator hooked up, go to File - Emulator - Set up emulator to run ROM
and direct it to your Emulator exe.

Now, you're ready to give Mario a ... whole new world to explore. :D
OMFG thanks a million dude Ive always wanted to make levels for mario sweeeetttttttt :cheers:
mchammer75040 said:
OMFG thanks a million dude Ive always wanted to make levels for mario sweeeetttttttt :cheers:

lol sure thing man! I've always wanted to too!

-----2. Basics-----

Alright! "here we go!" - Mario haha.. yeah..

So you think you're god? you think you can just take what used to be an awsome world to play, and completely change it and make it into whatever your heart desired?... well... You're right! but you're not god.

alright first, is Saving and Loading

--- i ---

Make SURE you do this!... or whats the point?

Save level to Rom - This saves your level onto THE rom, so when you go to play, the things you did are there

Save level to file - This will save the Lunar Magic level that you edited as a Lunar Magic level file, so you can make all kinds of diffrent levels for one of the levels in the rom
NOTE: to make it easier, save the file as the level you are editing so its easier to find and match. EX: if the mario at the beginning of the level says "entrance to level 105" than save your level as 105... or 105a you know...

Save level to file as...- Yeah.. you should.. uh.. know what this does..


Open level Number - This will open a certain level in the ROM to edit. 0 - 1FF, each one being a diffrent level in the game

Open level Adress - Hex editor, a sepecific place in the ROM to open (more details later)

Open level from file - Opens a saved Lunar Magic Level (make sure it's level# relates to the beginning mario ("entrance to level XXX")
Hey can someone help me out?

I need a site that can hold a file for me so i can send it to you guys, rather than using this attatch file thing.
Joeyslucky22, Cant you post the whole tutorial in one post? Can you give people a link to it (or is it included in the package)?

Dont try to boost your post count :)
grrr.... finding that supermarioworld rom is driving me nuts! I've tried so many different sites, and none have them....
many apologies!

Wasn't trying to boost my posts.. lol besides ive been on these forums for a long time, im not like that.

Didn't realize the "attatch file" can hold .doc

AGH! sorry

I'll make a word tutorial : it'll take a while but it'll be the only one out.. (that i know of) lol i'll update ASAP

and um... could you delete my above posts if possible?

I'll update With the .doc tutorial soon!
Joeyslucky22 said:
many apologies!

Wasn't trying to boost my posts.. lol besides ive been on these forums for a long time, im not like that.

Didn't realize the "attatch file" can hold .doc

AGH! sorry

I'll make a word tutorial : it'll take a while but it'll be the only one out.. (that i know of) lol i'll update ASAP

and um... could you delete my above posts if possible?

I'll update With the .doc tutorial soon!

Ah, thats better :)

I cant delete your posts here since im only mod in the Half-Life 2 Developement forums... but you can delete your own posts if you like. just hit the edit button and then delete.
We can delete our own posts now?

edit: I don't see any delete button...
I have to call it a night guys

But this is what I have done on the tutorial so far

feel free to PM me or email me any questions you may have on useing it!

Email: [email protected]

2 parts to the doc file: (size problem)

i can't find the editor (lunarmagic) on the website u said .
Hmmm someone resurrected this slightly old thread.
rekkaken, the link is over 4 years old. Go google it.
where is the freakin editor to the website
Was anyone else immediately thinking about this video when they heard about this?

I was searching the internet high and low for that level for the original Super Mario Bros. I think I'll make it exactly how it was in Super Mario World! Yes!

I actually just finished beating Super Mario World for the second time today, too.. Quite the coincidence!

I'm just hearing about this damn editor now!
Wow, Joeyslucky22. I knew that name was familiar...
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