Super Mariokart: Double Dash!


Oct 17, 2003
Reaction score
Anyone here played it yet? I have to say that it is quite fun when you have three or four buddies over. I've unlocked everything except mirror mode and the two Mushroom karts and drivers. Overall I think it was an excellent addition to the series. Only gripes are that it doesn't have a good battle mode and the jump ability didn't really need to be taken away did it?

So anyone here played it yet? I know it's a game for a console system but it's still fun. Though its replayability diminishes when your friends leave.
It reminds of the good ol N64 days when you and 3 of your buddies would just have fun playing mario cart. Double Dash is very fun to just to play with all your friends and Mario Party is pretty fun too.
Yeah, it's fun... and there's more unlockables after those you mentioned as well. :)
Few games can beat Double Dash at a party. Anyone, even the living dead, can pick it up and play in about two seconds. Its hilarious to boot.
Had a blast with it.

My friend and I beat it all together. I was always driver..because my friend sucked at it... but all cup tours take long :( Fun game though.

I hate it when we play against eachother...and my friend always seems to come up with 4-5 specials in a row at the end and just screws everyone else over...
My friend has Double Dash, we played it together too.
He was keeping our team together thanks to his driving.
I was good at throwing stuff.And when there was a banana in the way, I press L/R to dodge it.
My favorite special ability would probably be Mario and Luigi's fireball blasts. They can take down quite a few people if you aim it right, plus they come up more often than than that bow-wow the babies get (although it's probably one of the best in a single use in any situation). I still remember when me and my buddies played Rainbow road and there were so many times when they almost went over the edge and then used a mushroom and knocked someone else off the edge, only to get hit by a lightning bolt and almost slide back off, then they'd barely make it without falling, only to get hit by a red shell and go plummeting to their 8th place spot... good times :)
I like the red shell, it's not any special or anything, but it's still t3h effective!:D:D:D
I don't play anything but all cup tours.

I have a 9 yr old bro and a 4 yr old bro and they can whoop me a lot :P

I unlocked everything and am trying to perfect my skills for online play...

(note: "WTF?! ONLINE?!" Yup,

I think it's amazing. It's awesome. It's great. I love the visuals and the items are fun! The tracks are cool too and you just can't beat Baby Park on Versus mode with 4 people :D