Superbowl or should I call it, stuperbowl...


Aug 8, 2003
Reaction score
Well congrats to the Steelers I guess, dont think they really earned it though. At least 14 of their points were gifts from the officials (qbs dive where he was obviously short but called a td even after replay showed he was short/setup touchdown after bad call on seattle qb for making a low hit tackle which is legal). Then there is the bad pass interference call on seattle which took away a td and instead had to settle for a field goal. Then a holding penalty which took away a long passing play of Seattles which put them on the Steelers 2 yard line, John Madden as dumb as he is even said what were the officials looking at cause that was not holding. Those are the plays which in my mind won the game for Pittsburg. Seriously though, I think the officials all season long have been blowing calls and imo the quality of refs is not what it used to be compared to when I was growing up and before they even used instand replay. Hell while I am at it why do they even use it if even after looking at it 10x over in slow motion backwards and forwards and still cant make the right call what good is it? Congratulations Pittsburg, you won the Superbowl but your ticket to disney world was paid for by the nfl officiating staff. Thats my take.
Yeah I was pissed when they did not give Seattle that touchdown. Rediculous. Boring to boot even then. Worst Superbowl.
RakuraiTenjin said:
Yeah I was pissed when they did not give Seattle that touchdown. Rediculous. Boring to boot even then. Worst Superbowl.
I was pissed they gave Pittsburgh the touchdown in the 2nd Quarter.
I didn't watch most of the game since most of the people there were jumping around and having make-up fights, but I did see the naked sheep streaking commercial. I am disturbed for life.
joule said:
I was pissed they gave Pittsburgh the touchdown in the 2nd Quarter.
Well the ball did cross the line in the air. It doesn't have to be all the way across, only above the white line. I admit they did make that one myself, but it's rediculous they screwed the Seahawks over so much the entire game.
as a resident of seattle i'm pissed and the game was bullshit.
Well congrats to the Steelers I guess, dont think they really earned it though. At least 14 of their points were gifts from the officials (qbs dive where he was obviously short but called a td even after replay showed he was short/setup touchdown after bad call on seattle qb for making a low hit tackle which is legal). Then there is the bad pass interference call on seattle which took away a td and instead had to settle for a field goal. Then a holding penalty which took away a long passing play of Seattles which put them on the Steelers 2 yard line, John Madden as dumb as he is even said what were the officials looking at cause that was not holding. Those are the plays which in my mind won the game for Pittsburg. Seriously though, I think the officials all season long have been blowing calls and imo the quality of refs is not what it used to be compared to when I was growing up and before they even used instand replay. Hell while I am at it why do they even use it if even after looking at it 10x over in slow motion backwards and forwards and still cant make the right call what good is it? Congratulations Pittsburg, you won the Superbowl but your ticket to disney world was paid for by the nfl officiating staff. Thats my take.

Word, I'm actually a New England fan, that moved to Washington, so a lot of my friends were pumped, and I hate the Steelers, so i really wanted Seattle to win. The calls were terrible, and the only neat thing in that game was when Tom Brady laughed in all their faces, :)
yeah it was before the game started, like it wasn't extreme, it was more like, a snicker.
living about an hour away for pittsburgh, im quite happy they won, yay!........
Wow I just realized the pun of this thread is really, really bad
There were a few really good plays. The one guy set some kind of SB rushing record.
The more I try to think of it though, the more I realize I wasn't watching the game so much as staring at the plasma screen.
I dont understand you guys.. And everyone for that matter. There was no conclusive evidence that the ball DIDNT not get across. The pass interference was downright obvious. (you CANNOT touch the corner back while the ball is in the air.. PERIOD) The block was called against the steelers earlier in the year and was explained. Its a stupid rule, but according to the rule book that was a worthy call.
The Grey Cup in Canada last year (2005) was awesome. The superbowl was pretty good, and the officals did make some bad calls..but it was good.
Oh good. I win Civ4 from betting on the match.
