Superman's new super dooper codpiece


May 5, 2004
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the secret's out: Superman being super is hung like a horse :laugh:

London - The new Superman is giving movie bosses a headache - because of the size of his bulge.

They fear Brandon Routh's profile in the superhero's skintight costume could be distracting, reports the Sun.

Hollywood executives have ordered the makers of Superman Returns to cover it up with digital effects.

The Sun's source said: "It's a major issue for the studio. Brandon is extremely well-endowed and they don't want it up on the big screen.

"We may be forced to erase his package with digital effects."

Brandon, 26, has taken over the superhero's cape from the late Christopher Reeve.

Wardrobe artists have had to fit him with a special codpiece for the new film out next year",,2-1343-1344_1849549,00.html

Lois lane runs out of fear
I saw a picture in Empire and it didn't look too bad...

Never trust The Sun.
I always knew tights were a bad idea on a man.
I bet he just stuffed.

Its a publicity stunt to get women to think he's huge. <nods>

But... superman costume looks so lame anyways, especially that one.
it will hav to be the lamest publicity ever

movie producer:"what we will do to get atention of the womans?"
publicity guy:"I know,since hin name is superman well it hav to be something SUPER and relationed whit man,you know what I am talking about"
movie preducer:"yeah big penises ftw"

also how they consider that distracting?
<RJMC> said:
it will hav to be the lamest publicity ever

movie producer:"what we will do to get atention of the womans?"
publicity guy:"I know,since hin name is superman well it hav to be something SUPER and relationed whit man,you know what I am talking about"
movie preducer:"yeah big penises ftw"

also how they consider that distracting?
Gay dudes and penis lovers would be flocking to see his manhood marbles.
Possibly all of Superman's catchphrases and quotes can be applied to this.
CptStern said:
London - The new Superman is giving movie bosses a headache - because of the size of his bulge.

They fear Brandon Routh's profile in the superhero's skintight costume could be distracting, reports the Sun.

Luckily, with a few pairs of rolled up socks.. the problem was solved!
TollBooth Willie said:
Yeah I think it was 'Up, up and away!".:hmph:
Holy shit, Bibleman has a better catchphrase than that...
My favorite catch phrase is "i'ma **** you up bitch!"

Only I say it though.
I want pictures of the yellow-sun-power-infused-kryptophobic-woman-porker. :(
too true - we all know about him and the invisible man :naughty:

joke foo'!!! said:
So one day superman was flying around Metropolis bored and frustrated with no criminals to fight on such a hot day. He sees wonderwoman sunbathing nude and he thinks, "What the hell, I want to screw her. I can do it so fast, she won't even notice." So he goes down, screws her hard and fast, and flies away.
Wonderwoman looks up confused and goes, "What the hell was that?"

The invisible man replies, "I don't know, but shit my ass really really hurts right now..."
In aaaallllll the new superhero films, they re-did the outfits to not look so ludicrously camp and awfully crap. Batman, X-Men, Spiderman (as far as possible)
Except here... :|
bliink said:
Luckily, with a few pairs of rolled up socks.. the problem was solved!
sure you was very interesed in this thread
That costume... crappiness epitomized.

And whats up with all the brown... or rather deep deep maroon or whatever the hell color that is? Its supposed to be red. But red would only make it slightly less crappy.
It looks like his boots are made from flattened, dried out, chewed baby shit.