Suppresion Field - prophylactic?


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Jul 10, 2006
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A random thought... the reproduction suppression field prevented certain proteins from forming, right? But did it actually prevent people from being able, to uh, get 'jiggy' with it? IF it didn't, think of it. That'd be THE best birth control device we ever posessed, that is IF we were able to replicate it with a small area of effect...

Kleinercast: "...While the Combine invasion and occupation was a substantially unfortunate and regrettable incident, their presence here has provided us with excellent technology to utilize and turn against it's own masters. Additionally, the suppression field enacted by the Combine was a remarkable invention, and was reverse engineered by our scientists, and replicated on a massive scale in small, portable devices that cover a small area. While this may seem a pointless development, it has deeply reaching consequences, as a completely effective way of birth control is now ours. However, everyone..."

Citizen: "So, I don't need those condoms anymore?"
yeah but i think it lowers your sexual...sexual...whatever you call it. Sexual drive, the lust to stick your thing in a femals thing is gone, its a mental thing controled by hormones i think. Maybe it also causes erection problems too.
I'm pretty sure it actually kept people from being able to get it on.

Why else do you think everybody was so depressed?
I can't imagine it being a "mental thing". If it were, why wouldn't they just program it to make everybody incredibly placid and apathetic? Sure as hell would save you the violent rebellion the Combine eventually got.
Absinthe is exactly right. It has to do something with the womens ways. I believe this "supression field" got the womens 'tubes tied' without the surgery part. Either that, or it like someone else said, had the males go through terrible erection problems.
Previously, certain protein chains important to the process of embryonic development were selectively prevented from forming.

Taken from a Kleinercast.
Well at least then men didn't have to worry about eventually being taken for child support :p
Absinthe is exactly right. It has to do something with the womens ways. I believe this "supression field" got the womens 'tubes tied' without the surgery part. Either that, or it like someone else said, had the males go through terrible erection problems.

Umm, no, according to Kleiner cast in Ep1, supression field prevents embriyonic development. It implies people could still "do it" the usual way but can't have children. Sexual insticts are not affected I think.

However in HL2 when Breen answers a citizen's letter about supression field, he talks about how Our Benefactors help us fight our insticts. So, supression field must be preventing both embriyonic development and instict to "get jiggy". No tubes tied, probably erection problems.:E
Umm, no, according to Kleiner cast in Ep1, supression field prevents embriyonic development. It implies people could still "do it" the usual way but can't have children. Sexual insticts are not affected I think.

However in HL2 when Breen answers a citizen's letter about supression field, he talks about how Our Benefactors help us fight our insticts. So, supression field must be preventing both embriyonic development and instict to "get jiggy". No tubes tied, probably erection problems.:E

It aint working on Alyx then:LOL:
It must have affected human libido in some way, though, because you hear people saying, "Man, when this is all over, I'm gonna mate!" Both men and women. I seriously doubt they would be waiting for the suppression field to be taken down just so they could "get busy" if they could do it anyway.

Although as counter evidence to this theory it could have just meant, "I'm going to have sex once we stop fighting." Still, it certainly makes it sound as if sexual drive has been shut off. As Breen said, "they have thrown a switch and excercised our demons in a single stroke." He specifically said the URGE to reproduce, not the ABILITY to do so. "They have given us the strength we never could have summoned to overcome this compulsion."

If anything the supression field is two-fold. It shuts off both the ability for humans to procreate, as well as some kind of inhibitor field for the desire to procreate. Either one can apparently be shut off too...remember that the Combine reward overwatch soldiers with sex simulations, which says that the desire is still in them.
On an actual serious note, why does Alyx sort give the impression that she wants Gordon badly? I laughed when writing this ill admit lol
On an actual serious note, why does Alyx sort give the impression that she wants Gordon badly? I laughed when writing this ill admit lol

Hmm to me Alyx seems like a very desperate girl :). She desperately wants Gordon child the way it looks. Thats what happens when your a virgin become desperate, you'll do anything to get what you desire :p.

Alyx is suffering from a bad case of virginity :LOL:.

Plus, Gordon surely is'nt a pretty boy..look at him, He's so gawky looking & Gordon is'nt handsome. Im not a girl or anything but I don't know why she doesn't go after Male_7 lol.
I think the correct term is:

Alyx wants Freeman's Freemen lol
Alyx had a crush on him in BM that built into hero worship as the stories of the One Free Man came about and now she actualy knows him. Does she really like him or just the idea of the hero, Gordon Freeman?
Yeah its been dicussed before hand, she has a crush on his herioc status and for everything he seems to be able to do for the good of the resistance.
I think the reason why she has a crush on him would be because of the amount of things he did in such a short time span, Everything started clicking when Gordon came. Also another reason would be because he is very mysterious, women love guys that are mysterious..I think.

When She was captured, Gordon came to her & her father's rescue by puting his life on the line & that she really admire's. His bravery & heroism are unmatched. Gordon Freeman is a man that doesn't feel the need to speak, he is a man of few words & is man of action, he takes what ever that is thrown at him, He does what is necessary to get the job questions asked, no stipulations & he will take the right course of action.

That why she I think she has crush on him.
I think the reason why she has a crush on him would be because of the amount of things he did in such a short time span, Everything started clicking when Gordon came. Also another reason would be because he is very mysterious, women love guys that are mysterious..I think.

When She was captured, Gordon came to her & her father's rescue by puting his life on the line & that she really admire's. His bravery & heroism are unmatched. Gordon Freeman is a man that doesn't feel the need to speak, he is a man of few words & is man of action, he takes what ever that is thrown at him, He does what is necessary to get the job questions asked, no stipulations & he will take the right course of action.

That why she I think she has crush on him.
It's clear she a has a crush on you straight away
"I'm sure you don't remember me though" *fixes hair*
What does prophy.....proopet........parpy......lactose mean?

In repliance to the first post of this thread did the Citizen actually say that he didn't need the condoms anymore or did you just make that up?

P.S I would've quoted but couldn't be arsed
Seems I imitated Kleiner properly :)

Anyways, prophylactic is a different way of putting "birth control method".
Hmm to me Alyx seems like a very desperate girl :). She desperately wants Gordon child the way it looks. Thats what happens when your a virgin become desperate, you'll do anything to get what you desire :p.

Who said she was a virgin?
20 Year Gap between Black Mesa Incident and Gordon Freeman's arrival. Suppressor field presumably on since time of Combine arrival, probably 19 or 18 years ago. She is, what, 23?

Think about it, Danimal. :D
Micheal Jackson.

Not to mention the internet.

Think about it, Jintor.

Yeah she is definately a virgin, like said, the supression feild would have come into play when she was around 18ish, not to mention she would have been busy with the resistance like spending hours traveling about or down in the labs at Black Mesa East making and fixing things. No time for lads i dont think, plus i agree with blitz, she doesn't does actually look desperate for a man in her life, I mean if I was mid-20s, hadn't had sex, never had a girlfriend, hell not even kissed a girl, I think I would be pretty god damn desperate. Then along comes Gordon Freeman, the hero of Black Mesa who spurs on a revolution, cuts through hundreds of Combine troops and destroys an entire Citadel along with Breen (maybe), within a very short period of time, and does it all, no questions asked, doesn't say a word - Alyx definately wants to get in there! ^^
I was joking, I thought the cat and Micheal Jackson would show that. D:
That cat plus combine technology would make and excellent synth. :)
And people under 18 never have sex :rolleyes:

then i said 'not to mention she would have been busy with the resistance like spending hours traveling about or down in the labs at Black Mesa East making and fixing things. No time for lads i dont think' meaning that yes people do have sex under 18 but she would have been too pre-occupied anyway. Read what I say fully before you quote it :sleep:
Who said she was a virgin?

Look at her, She hitting on a guy that looks gawky & Gordon is'nt handsome. Gordon Freeman is'nt a pretty boy. He ain't exactly Brad Pitt.

Why she would hit on it is beyond me, its just a bad case of virginity...*thinks of the movie 40 year old virgin* but don't get me wrong Im all for it 100% all the way. Then again you can't deny Alyx & Gordon relationship...they belong together :p.
then i said 'not to mention she would have been busy with the resistance like spending hours traveling about or down in the labs at Black Mesa East making and fixing things. No time for lads i dont think' meaning that yes people do have sex under 18 but she would have been too pre-occupied anyway. Read what I say fully before you quote it :sleep:

As well as the magic words suppression field.

Best. Contraceptive. Ever.
I suspect Overwatch says it in the game. I can't understand anything Overwatch says in the game because they're not subtitled. Anywhere I can find Overwatch quotes?
Look at her, She hitting on a guy that looks gawky & Gordon is'nt handsome. Gordon Freeman is'nt a pretty boy. He ain't exactly Brad Pitt.

Why she would hit on it is beyond me, its just a bad case of virginity...*thinks of the movie 40 year old virgin* but don't get me wrong Im all for it 100% all the way. Then again you can't deny Alyx & Gordon relationship...they belong together :p.

Maybe Alyx isn't looking at the looks, Gordon is a good man, very well respected and highly inteligent, he aint some pretty boy movie star, he is a man of action!
As far as I remmeber, that was the Overwatch sending a reminder to Civil Protection units, and it was "simulated non-mechanical reproduction".
Yah. So I don't think the suppression field inhibits desire, if it's being used as a reward. Breen's just propaganderising again.
Look at her, She hitting on a guy that looks gawky & Gordon is'nt handsome. Gordon Freeman is'nt a pretty boy. He ain't exactly Brad Pitt. life 2 wallpaper.jpg

Freeman can be sexy, look at that picture.

And even if he is not, he possesses genius level intelligence and god-like combat abilities, why on earth a woman shouldn't be interested in him? Being a woman and not being interested in gordon freeman is like fighting against natural selection.
Exactly, looks aren't everything, and to be honest, i have seen A LOT worse
Riomhaire Said Twice already, Listen to him...
When was that ever mentioned?
"50% reproduction credits."

"Rank leaders, reminder, 100 sterilized credits qualifies non-mechanical reproduction simulation."
freaky geeky pr0n

man i cant believe, you think alyx want's SEX with gordon!
By the marks we've seen, she has fallen in love with him.
It's nothing about SEX! LOVE and SEX are two separated thinks, trust me i know.
and if you think that when in love you do sex, well in certain point yes, but not at all, like you geeks think it has to be.
get a girl friend dammit! :flame: "gordon's child"...yeah sure...your hamburger in pain AZZ.