Surprise Surprise! Halo 2 got best FPS from Spike


Sep 12, 2003
Reaction score
Makes me seems like only games on consoles actually win in the spike tv awards. It beat out half life 2, far cry, and doom 3. Watch halo 2 get best graphics
Far Cry will probably win best graphics...

But yea..Halo 2 won..meh...doesn't suprise me. Besides, it is a very good game.
Half life 2 is the best game in my opinion. But it wont win any awards. It will go to all console games.
Any awards group that gives best game of the year to a Madden game loses all credibility in my mind.

I've been saying this for a while, atleast HL2 won best graphics
Hl2 doesn't have the best graphics, Far Cry kicks it all the way to hell.

Be warned, I am a hardcore HL fan. But I don't lie.
I think doom 3, far cry and hl2 all have great graphics, i really can't decide. I'm still happy hl2 won something.

GTA: San Andreas will get the award for game of the year without a doubt. Just how there are so many more console gamers than pc gamers.
Spike TV game awards aren't exactly fair and balanced....
Halo2 is not bad but IMO is not the best

but I didnt played HL2 but I played others fps of this year that are better,like cronicles of riddick
Who cares. It's spikeTV. Possibly the worst channel on cable television. As if that wasn't bad enough, the show is hosted by snoop dogg. :x
spike T.V worst channel on cable television? your talking out of your ass.....spike t.v isn't that bad. It's a network for men and I quess your not a man. Spike shows a lot of great things.
TV Game awards are bull-shit.
If you're going to vote on games, do it on the internet where there are more people who give a damn.
just because your opinion didn't win doesn't mean the world is wrong ;(
That's not right. Even Doom 3 deserves to be ranked better than Halo 2. This kid in my history class talks about how great Halo 2 is all the time. It's so annoying. Did you like the way the guy from Bungie thanked everybody? He said "I don't think I have ever looked this good." Then he left. Then another guy walked up and said "Thanks, everyone."

I swear, if you put some dog shit in a plastic baggy and then put it in a video game box and labeled it "Halo 3: Dog Shit Edition," people would still buy it and treat it like God.

My 2 cents.

It was an OK game, not the greatest, but OK.
Pwn-dizzled bitch.


I hate that fag.
LOL nice.

gj. Did anyone else notice Samuel L Jackson getting the award for San Andreas? He didnt even know the name of the game, he kept calling it GTA 2, which came out about 6 years ago.
SenorDingDong said:
LOL nice.

gj. Did anyone else notice Samuel L Jackson getting the award for San Andreas? He didnt even know the name of the game, he kept calling it GTA 2, which came out about 6 years ago.

I'm surprised he was even on the show. He was the only one there with some dignity, even if he did mispronounce the name to the game he won an award for. :p

There was definately a "black" influence. The winners. the nominees, the presenters, etc. Just like last year's show was gay because of David Spade as host (did I mention I don't like that guy?).

Oh well, it WAS better than last year's effort. I'll give it that. :)
Apollo 13 said:
spike T.V worst channel on cable television? your talking out of your ass.....spike t.v isn't that bad. It's a network for men and I quess your not a man. Spike shows a lot of great things.

If by "man" you mean "neanderthal plebian", then yes.
I swear, if you put some dog shit in a plastic baggy and then put it in a video game box and labeled it "Half Life 3: dog Shit Edition," people would still buy it and treat it like God.

it works both ways, just depends what side of the fence your on.
No love for Ninja Gaiden?

This makes me a sad panda :(
well. halo2 multiplayer sucked, cause the server joining part was horrible, and it was okay on the gameplay, singleplayer, was AWESOME the first 5 levels, then the game dropped down, then i get to the last level, and im too bored of halo2, that i dont feel like beating it, so i turn off the xbox and have not played for about 4 weeks now.

Exact quote from me, exact opinon of halo2
Screw these awards, i'm looking forward to Gamespot's GOTY awards.
Even though they'll be slanted towards Chronicles of Riddick (Its in almost every catagory) because Greg K wants to have Vin Diesel's babies
Ninja Gaiden kicks ass. Tomonobu said they're making a sequel, but it won't be for a while.
Prince of China said:
Ninja Gaiden kicks ass. Tomonobu said they're making a sequel, but it won't be for a while.
something that I like of it is that is very similiar to DMC (Devil May Cry a PS2 game) and IMO if you like ninja gaiden I recomed you to play Devil May Cry
in the eyes of the public: consoles > pc's

I know I know it's not true, but the reality is that more people play consoles than they do pc games. Personally I think the majority of console games are vastly inferior to pc games ..they just seem like water-downed pc games. So I'm not really all that surprised that a TV network voted for Halo as best "game" of the year.. I have Halo 2 sitting in my xbox for over a week now ..havent played more than 20 minutes worth's just too arcady
While consoles do have a much larger following, I don't really care what Spike TV(who, from what I've heard, seem to be a bit of a joke) gives, in my opinion Half-Life 2 is the best game of the year.

What you consider to be "Best Game of the Year" is subjective anyway. Anyway, the Spike TV awards are nothing to get excited about.
<RJMC> said:
something that I like of it is that is very similiar to DMC (Devil May Cry a PS2 game) and IMO if you like ninja gaiden I recomed you to play Devil May Cry

"similiar"?!?!??!1 are you kidding? everything about the game was exactly like DMC1. right down to the inventory. Its like the creators of Ninja Gaiden said "hey DMC kicks ass, lets steal the entire concept stick our own characters in with a similiar story and call it our own". If i were Capcom i'd have looked into some kinda of legal action.
The Silhouette said:
"similiar"?!?!??!1 are you kidding? everything about the game was exactly like DMC1. right down to the inventory. Its like the creators of Ninja Gaiden said "hey DMC kicks ass, lets steal the entire concept stick our own characters in with a similiar story and call it our own". If i were Capcom i'd have looked into some kinda of legal action.
yeah your right

the first time I played I was angry too cuz EVERYTHING is almost the same,even the inventory was the same style,but I didnt care about it so I stop to hate it,but ninja gaiden dont call my atention so much
Prince of China said:
TV Game awards are bull-shit.
If you're going to vote on games, do it on the internet where there are more people who give a damn.

then why did Halo2 beat HL2 on the gamespy arena...?

if i was to say console gamers are stupid, i would be contradicting myself. *hides all 3 consoles*
I can't believe people take stupid little things like "Gamespy arena" , or even Gamespots awards seriously!