Survival Games?


The Freeman
Mar 15, 2007
Reaction score
I would like some recommendations on games that rely on survival; First Person or Third Person. No RTS.

I am looking for games that involve elements like having to eat, having to sleep, bleeding from wounds, dying easily, weapons being realistic-ish, etc. This is why I really like games like STALKER and Single Player Minecraft.
Most people find STALKER boring, but I really enjoy having to find safe places to sleep, and worrying about bullets, etc..
Have you already played New Vegas? From what I hear, the Hardcore mode is very much what you are describing.

Metro 2033 also features elements of survival (though it is a linear FPS).
I beat Metro 2033 last weekend actually, though I wouldn't call it survival.

I'll get New Vegas eventually, just waiting for them to fix bugs and for the price to go down.
^ Does the camera crew give you granola bars occasionally?
I think Minecraft will eventually feature much of what your talking about. I think I read that hunger, thirst, and fatigue will eventually be added in. Although, in the games current state, I think it would be frustrating to have to worry about those things.

But yeah I am also in the "market" so to speak for these type of games as well. Besides Minecraft, the only game that brought a real sense of trying to survive was Fallout 3. I haven't played New Vegas yet but I'm sure its much the same.
What you and I want is a fusion of Stalker and New Vegas. This, to my knowledge, doesn't exist yet. Maybe I'll just have to mod FNV myself. Hmph.
Tresspasser is the only game I can think of right now.
Wilderness: A Survival Adventure, fantastic old DOS game from the 80s, probably the most realistic survival game I've encountered on PC, it keeps track of everything from your body temperature to the calories etc in the food you eat.

And finally, if you want an adventure FPS mixed with hardcore survival elements, I can recommend getting this little collection of two DOS games,
There was that old RPG that Vegeta posted about in the screenshot thread. Cant remember the name offhand, but it looked challenging.

EDIT: Its called Eschalon II, and it turns out it was released this year. I found a demo for it if you are interested (gonna try it out myself)
At a stretch, I think Ultima Underworld may have featured some of these mechanics. As far as First-Person action games go, I think it's probably widely accepted that these things simply aren't fun (especially in the context of intense FPS games), that's why food and drink usually just give you a quaint +1hp boost and nothing else. I guess Far Cry 2 had that Malaria mechanic (a good example of something people rushed to get modded out) and Metal Gear Solid 3 was kind of in this ballpark.
Condemned Criminal Origins is pretty good, not as much survival but you certainly get that feeling. Although the sequel isn't on PC like the first :(
Condemned 2 was nowhere near as good as the first though, so I dont think you will miss out on much by not playing the sequel.
EDIT: Its called Eschalon II, and it turns out it was released this year. I found a demo for it if you are interested (gonna try it out myself)
I was going to recommend this but he specifically said he wanted first or third person, so I figured an isometric 2d TBS was out.

I don't think ZT would like an oldschool RPG like this anyway.