Survival games?


Companion Cube
Jan 6, 2005
Reaction score
Does anyone know any good preferarly free survival, mixed with preferarly either RPG, adventure or FPS, games?:)
I've been looking but the ones I find are mostly "boring", it'd be nice with one where you're acctually given different options, and I like it when you're being chased, and like say you can build yourself a little "house" to defend yourself from say aliens?:)

Thanks for any help.;)
What about the Thief games? They match your description...well except for the part with building houses against aliens. And they rock. And the third one has great graphics.
Nah, those're more sneak'em ups..:p I mean games that're pretty open ended and focused on survival, perhaps in a post-apocalyptic landscape
Yeah, Wasteland didn't really appeal to me :\
lol, The Thing ain't open-ended, it's an incredibly linear and "dull" game, good but not one you want to replay, already finished it once :\
SIlent Hill 2 was one of the best games I've ever played. It's the best one out of the four.
there is a mod for halflife called "zombie panic" its not that good but its fun for a while.

i know what you mean though, survival games are heaps fun! but they have to be multiplayer... me and a couple of my friends had an x-box lan where we made a game type for halo2 called "zombies", greatest fun ive had in heaps long!
wait for stalker,that'll give you exactly what you want
I'm not talking about Survival Horror guys, but Survival games ala "STALKER"(It's alot survival according to recent previews in respect PC magazines, only 3-4 shots to die), or Deus for DOS.
oh allright...

multiplayer survival horrors are the best :P
Nah, played alot of HL survival MP horror mods, got boring quickly :\
It's not really survival, more Open-ended PARPG :p I've already finished 1/2/BoS :p
get mafia beating it is like surviving...bloody hard it is
Already did, using cheats tho.*Blush*:laugh:
That game was truly insanely hard...