Survivor secret.


Jun 20, 2004
Reaction score
It's not really known but if you turn off you flashlight as a human in versus, and stay still, your outline will be invisible to the Infected team! A really good list was composed by a steampowered user finally as well: *Oh wait, that is beta days. You can keep the flashlight on. **New Infected idea: make a blindfolded zombie. It can only sense you by hearing you like the tentacle boss in HL. This would take the place of a witch.
Pan's Labyrinth​
A surpriseingly small amount of people I've seen know about this.
I knew this fact before the game even came out but I always forget about it when I play the game.

That thing looks like a stalker...
and holy crap, now I remember why I have to see this movie...
and why is that video there in the first place?
I had noticed something was up with the survivors a few times, but I hadn't seen it in writing or heard anyone mention it.

I can't think of a suitable time for when I would want to stand still and do nothing as a survivor, though.
I remember hearing about this longgggg ago and then total forgot.
I had noticed something was up with the survivors a few times, but I hadn't seen it in writing or heard anyone mention it.

I can't think of a suitable time for when I would want to stand still and do nothing as a survivor, though.
Sometimes your waiting for Survivors to catch up. Or a good tactic is to hide in a dark corner so the Infected, like the Tank, can't see you and dies burning.
I noticed this but I didn't know if it was to do with the flashlight etc.

I just thought it was a specific time since you last saw them when your within a close range to them.
Seemed pretty obvious to me. People do it all the time, often unintentionally.
Yeah, I notice it happen a lot when they are hiding during a horde event, or when in the saferoom still...I'd never use it as a strat, seems suicidal.
Sometimes your waiting for Survivors to catch up. Or a good tactic is to hide in a dark corner so the Infected, like the Tank, can't see you and dies burning.

I don't wait for survivors to catch up - I head towards them to link up. A lone survivor is guranteed to be pounced upon by the director/watchful Infected players.
I see this happen frequently (losing track of players when playing as infected) and I always walk as a survivor mainly because it looks far more dignified, I had no idea it was cloaking me! :D

Does anyone know how long it takes for your outline to fade away after ceasing movement / firing etc...?
Not sure exactly, something like 3-8 seconds I suppose.
He was talking about blind zombies. In the video was a blind-ish zombie-ish. Not hard to figure out.
Well, technically it wasn't blind. It had eyes in its hands, but I guess that's why you said blind-ish.
You guys didn't read what I said with the edit?
**New Infected idea: make a blindfolded zombie. It can only sense you by hearing you like the tentacle boss in HL. This would take the place of a witch.
I've yet to find a time enough to where I'm not getting charged by zombies while around the Witch now. I guess instead of being the Witch, it will be a regular zombie that just hurts more.
I haven't tried this yet, but apparently if you stand still as a zombie, a line on the ground appears to show you a strategic place to wait for the survivors. Has this happened to anyone?