sustained rotation...


Jul 22, 2004
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ok im trying to make a single object in mid air do a constant 360º rotation without stoping or restarting :) i just want to know how to make a single object (lets say a gem) spin around in mid air? my map wont be compleat without this :)
Put an origin brush through the center of the object that you want to have rotating. Then select both the object and the origin brush and turn them into an entity (Ctrl + T) Then type into the class field func_rotating. And then set the appropriate properties.
all readdy tryed that i dint move

edit... can you show me an example aka show an image if all the properties that should be set...
If it didn't move then make sure you actually have 'START ON' enabled in the flags tab.

[edit] ok.
i got it working but it keeps rotateing like a fan i want it to spin like a gem...
Change the axis in the flags tab. X/y XY.
your telling me evreything i allreaddy know... i just needed to ignore the axis and change the acc/dcc
trinity i read a few of your threads, you seem a bit rude, try to calm down;)
I agree, Dux is just trying to help you, and it seems like you are taking your frustrations out on him.