Sven-Coop For Half-Life 2


May 17, 2003
Reaction score
The svencoop team has finally unleashed some juicy information on the Half-Life 2 version of thier mod, svencoop.
A feature that fits in with the lives system is the player revival system. In SC2, rather than dying instantly, players will normally lie unconscious for a time before dying... and during this time, other players will be able to revive them via a functionality of the medkit. This will take a few seconds, however, requiring players to guard each other's backs while someone is being revived, or maybe drag the unconscious player to a safe position before beginning the revival process.
[br]Head on over to the official site for the full article.[br]I cant wait!
excellent, can't wait. Hope its less buggy than the other *hides* :p
I really never got the chance to play Sven Coop for HL1, but I can't wait for the new version!
The Dark Elf said:
excellent, can't wait. Hope its less buggy than the other *hides* :p
lol, I remember playing a game where we got stuck because of a bug and so we all sat there and played Juggle the Guns for about 10 minutes. Had some funny screenshots of that (12 or so people tossing their guns up into the air above them and catching them) but sadly they were erased when I reformatted.

I can't wait for svencoop 2, SC was one of the best mods and they're sure to take the most advantage of the Source engine of any mod released with or before them.
One of their new features of beeing about to pull hurt teamates over to the side to revive them sounds awsome.
omfg, sc2 is gonna rock hardcore. i think im gonna go play some sc1 now. :D
Is the unconsious person going to be a ragdoll ? And how will the ragdoll stand up and become alive ?
Is the unconsious person going to be a ragdoll ? And how will the ragdoll stand up and become alive ?

He might not just stand up just maybe spawn on top of the ragdoll like normal and the ragdoll will disappear.... just them "getting up" seems like it would require a lot of programming and new animations. I'm sure they'll figure something out
samo said:
Is the unconsious person going to be a ragdoll ? And how will the ragdoll stand up and become alive ?
They could blend the ragdoll to a preset 'lying down' animation frame, and from there it's just a normal animation.
Well from what I read somewhere about the Havok physics engine which HL2 heavily uses, that once an object becomes a ragdoll that accepts physics information, it cannot be animated again. It has to be disposed of and replaced if any more animation is to occur. It is a one way route, once you go ragdoll it is over.
looking forward to this...

and they'll find a way to make the revival stuff work
interesting tidbits on this mod :)
i just hope theres more meaningful objectives than just shoot 'n kill monsters.
Dr. Freeman said:
interesting tidbits on this mod :)
i just hope theres more meaningful objectives than just shoot 'n kill monsters.
Up to the mapmakers. Some of the features we're adding, and some of the features already built into HL2, will make it a lot easier to set this sort of thing up, though.
Instead of trying to insert co-op into the HL2 singleplayer levels, why not make a co-op mini campaign based on those levels? That way, they could be designed with co-op in mind (multiple simultaneous objectives etc) rather than just being SP maps with a few more enemies.
Frankly, people are only really going to be interested in the set-piece battles anyway - the memorable sequences. That means the rooftop chase (even though in SP you were unarmed), the airboat sequence, Ravenholm, Highway 17 (all of it), Prison/Nova Prospekt, City 17 and the Citadel (minus the super grav gun). Versions of these designed with co-op in mind would be fantastic.
Yeah a lot of the SP was boring alone, 2 people would be worse. Needs missions built for co-op.
Another reason for that is that the focus in SP is on physically smaller maps with frequent changes, and that's no good for co-operative multiplayer. The pacing for SP is also wrong - you can't have long tension-building sequences in a multiplayer game - you need to have action.
So you'd build maps with the same theme as the singleplayer levels, but with as few map breaks as possible, and with much shorter "walk/drive to...." sequences.
There's also the problem of the SDK's NPC AI being really seperate from the Netcode, so making NPCs in a multiplayer environment could be difficult. If you figure it out, let me know, because my mod's kinda not getting anywhere without it.

-Angry Lawyer
Second image looks a bit fake to be honest. Looks like they just took a screenshot from the normal SP and then just draw that stuff over it. I could be totally wrong though of course.
SeriousStu: They're concepts, as mentioned in the filename/corner of the image.

Regarding recreating the HL2SP maps: Since we don't have the map source, that'd mean making them from scratch. Even if we spent the insane amount of time required to try to do that, the maps would just end up as poor imitations of something everyone's played before. Better to spend the time on new maps with new ideas.
Sven Viking, did you think about adding a MP support to trigger_changelevel so as to enable players to keep their previous gear from the last played map, like in SP mode?

I think it'd be nice if you did it.
mbrithoms: The buggy will be buggy.

poofyfinger: Nope, no dragging of unconscious players in RTCW.

Dolphin's Eye: Planned.
Sven Viking said:
mbrithoms: The buggy will be buggy.

poofyfinger: Nope, no dragging of unconscious players in RTCW.

Dolphin's Eye: Planned.

K thanks Sven :)

btw, if anyone cares, I go to Tae Kwon Do (t'aegwon-do) with a Sven lol :)
Your a star. Can I have your autograph? Nevermind, I'll just copy n' paste your name, print it, and get it tatooed on my butt. (If that's alright with you.)

Just kidding. :p
Sven Viking said:
Dolphin's Eye: Planned.

Thanks. Other question: what is the ETA now? ( Estimated Time of Arival ).
Best regards.
dang.. working on a very similar system utilizing healable injuries... beat me to it!