Swat 4


Party Escort Bot
Dec 2, 2004
Reaction score
I was thinking of picking up the game Swat 4, and I was wondering what you guys thought about the game. I'm watching some gameplay vids right now and sofar it looks pretty good, but I was wondering what you guys thought of it.
sinkoman said:
I was thinking of picking up the game Swat 4, and I was wondering what you guys thought about the game. I'm watching some gameplay vids right now and sofar it looks pretty good, but I was wondering what you guys thought of it.

Depends, Do you like incredibly stupid squad mates and horridly laggy multiplay?
It's a very slow paced game, but a blast to play with friends. Load times are ridiculously long, when you think about how fast you can die. The enemies are placed in different locations every time a map loads, so its never the same. I remember a time when my friends and I decided to use only pepperballs. We turned the first corner in the level and were gunned down immediately in one shot for the both of us. Then we had to wait another 3 minutes for the map to load again.
AmishSlayer said:
What about singleplayer? Is the SP portion any good?

That's what bam is talking about :P

Oh, and in the latest patch you get ads... :( :( As in, anytime there's a billboard it has real products on it.

It sends this data to the companies (like how long you looked at the ad, where you viewed it, gives you an id, etc) , so it could be considered a form of spyware.

In all honesty, unless you really really like SWAT games, don't pick it up. I didn't enjoy it (MP was okay... really laggy though).
Iced_Eagle said:
It sends this data to the companies (like how long you looked at the ad, where you viewed it, gives you an id, etc) , so it could be considered a form of spyware.

It would be funny if they sent data about how many times you shot the advert
Murray_H said:
It would be funny if they sent data about how many times you shot the advert

Or sent how many times you type "Damn these ad's" :)
its not spyware, its adware. and its not intrusive like adware is, it simply gets new ads for the posters on the walls. i would usually be against this type of thing, but it makes the levels in swat look more realistic, more like places you'd actually see in real life.

anyway about swat4. the levels are very well done, realistic, and fun to play in, it uses the tribes vengeance engine which is actually a modified unreal engine. except for the lighting, it beats F.E.A.R's visuals imo. very fun MP adversarial, coop can be annoying because it loads the level if you want to play another round. but its still a lot of fun if you can get past that. some of the levels have a freaky vibe about them, simliar to the movie seven or silence of the lambs.
I would suggest trying the demo out before buying it. I am planning on buying it soon.
poseyjmac said:
its not spyware, its adware. and its not intrusive like adware is, it simply gets new ads for the posters on the walls. i would usually be against this type of thing, but it makes the levels in swat look more realistic, more like places you'd actually see in real life.

anyway about swat4. the levels are very well done, realistic, and fun to play in, it uses the tribes vengeance engine which is actually a modified unreal engine. except for the lighting, it beats F.E.A.R's visuals imo. very fun MP adversarial, coop can be annoying because it loads the level if you want to play another round. but its still a lot of fun if you can get past that. some of the levels have a freaky vibe about them, simliar to the movie seven or silence of the lambs.

In SWAT4 they may look fine, but think of all the other game devs will use this, just so they can get more cash in case the game fails! I mean, imagine these ads in a cyberpunk theme game... Would it fit? No.

I sort of seeing it as a parallax to using commercials on TV for the first time. They used to be little blurbs on shows (aka what we have now in games), but then took up entire segments.

I'm just worried what this could lead to...
Iced_Eagle said:
In SWAT4 they may look fine, but think of all the other game devs will use this, just so they can get more cash in case the game fails! I mean, imagine these ads in a cyberpunk theme game... Would it fit? No.

I sort of seeing it as a parallax to using commercials on TV for the first time. They used to be little blurbs on shows (aka what we have now in games), but then took up entire segments.

I'm just worried what this could lead to...

see thats the thing though, if has to fit, or else the game developers(like irrational) would not go for it(well the respectable ones anyway). theres a point the companies realize gamers would stop buying games if the advertising got ridiculous, so logically it should never get to that point if its to be a win-win situation.
If you have friends with the game, coop will be really fun.
i personally enjoyed the single player, but wasn't a fan of the MP at least during the beta test and thus haven;t bothered to try it in the full game, but it's still got great atmosphere and nice missions, sometimes your buddies can do stupid things, but for the most part they're pretty good - just look for it on the cheap
see thats the thing though, if has to fit, or else the game developers(like irrational) would not go for it(well the respectable ones anyway). theres a point the companies realize gamers would stop buying games if the advertising got ridiculous, so logically it should never get to that point if its to be a win-win situation.

Yeah, sure... In a perfect world that's the case. Here's an example.

Massive Incorporated today announced that Sony Online Entertainment Inc. (SOE), a leading publisher of massively multiplayer online games, has joined Massive’s video game network. SOE’s MMO action game, PlanetSide®, will now be part of the Massive network and is scheduled to begin running in-game billboards in mid-August.

It has begun...
Iced_Eagle said:
Yeah, sure... In a perfect world that's the case. Here's an example.

It has begun...

thats still just a theoretical example. screenshots will be the true proof
I think Swat 4 is awesome. I like the pacing, multiplayer is fun, coop is a blast, even if i dont know the people (assuming of course they arn't dicks, which, thankfully, is usually the case). The weapons are unique compared to other games. Shooting 8 beanbags by shotgun blast into some fat pervert is quite fun. Shooting his old, very very annoying mom with a colt python simultaneously with a friend is also quite fun. Blowing doors open with c2, or breaching shotguns and then watching your squad storm in and clear the room is very entertaining. I think its cool.
I've only played the Swat 4 demo, and I thought it was a lot of fun. I used to play R6:3 Ravenshield(so much better than CS), but unfortunately the community disappeared. So i'm probably going to wait till either Swat 4 comes down in price or R6:4 comes out on pc...
poseyjmac said:
thats still just a theoretical example. screenshots will be the true proof


I'm sure I can find more on the Sony boards...
theres not enough context to show whether its really out of place or not.

but despite that, this is sony we are talking about, they have no souls, i wouldn't be surprised if they do ridiculous things to their games. but developer houses like irrational would not allow things to look out of place because of ads.
lol poseyjmac: It's in a space combat hanger, and it's advertising Deuce Bigalow... How could it not be out of place? :P

But I agree that it's usually the publisher who would want to put these in-game... I don't know any indie studios that have put these in-game... Yet.