SWG developer: SWG to beat WoW ...bwahahaahhahahahaha


May 5, 2004
Reaction score
oh they must to be joking:

Star Wars Galaxies To Beat World of Warcraft?

"One thing that I love about our company is that there is no 'quit' in this company. It's about making sure that we have pride in what we do. People within the company feel so much pride in this game that they want it to beat the crap out of World of Warcraft. That's something we feel very passionate about. We know we are capable of making the best stuff out there, and I'm proud to say that with the changes we're making in Galaxies, I think we're headed in the right direction."


who do they think they're fooling? since the revamp players are dropping like flies ...in fact one former group of disgruntled former players quit en masse and started a WoW guild..they currently have 300 members...all former SWG players

I havent played the newest version but I did try the trial way back when after about 2 hours I was so bored out of my mind I uninstalled
I don't think anything will ever beat WoW... not in the near future anyway.
the funny thing is i was actually going to buy SWG before it came out...then I decided to put the preorder on HL2 instead..one of the best gaming decisions I ever made
Ha. Not in a long time in a galaxy far far away.
People within the company feel so much pride in this game that they want it to beat the crap out of World of Warcraft.

They can want all they want. lol
SWG is actually pretty fun now.

Real-time combat ftw.
I tried SWG about a year or so after it was released and it was pretty lame. Since I didn't like it I'm not even going to trial the revamped version :P

When I played WoW, it just did almost everything right. There were no hugely annoying flaws with it. Everything felt fun to do.
I beta tested SWG.

Back when they actually had good ideas for people to become Jedi.
SWG is too old to make any kind of come back. People aren't gonna go out and buy it/renew old subscriptions because they add something. You have to do that in the first year the game has come out..it's all down hill from there.

WoW has been an incredibly popular game since it came out and has only grown. People have played it and it's a great game, SWG was bad at launch and no one has very good memories of it...so no one will care about it. They won't be able to make a come back much less beat WoW.
WoW is the new EverQuest, so in about 4-5 years WoW will finally die
Dalamari said:
WoW is the new EverQuest, so in about 4-5 years WoW will finally die
Few MMOs actually die.
Heck, the first MMO ever, M59 is still around.
SWG was awesome... when it was first released, then they just messed it up.
So... non of you are going to talk about City of Villains, huh.

I'll trial the new SWG if there is one. WoW's starting to bore/annoy me