Swimming with a weapon

Yar Jar Rar

Aug 4, 2007
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I was playing a game called Half Life 2, and I noticed that when I was swimming, the Gordon guy could hold a gun just fine while swimming the same speed! I thought this game was suppose to have good physics. And to top it off, he can also reload, (using both hands) and it doesn't effect his swimming one bit! How is this possible?
Gordon has two secret hands .

Oh, is that how he does it? Huh, that interesting. I thought maybe he was just really good at swimming with his feet. Or there was some sort of jetpack that came out the back of his HEV suit or something.
He also has awesome leg muscles. Y'know when he takes a floating barrel a few feet underwater? Leg muscles the size of Dog's arm.
Don't forget the underwater fast yet effective crowbar melee Gordon is capable of.

Try swinging a peice of steel in your swimming pool, that's so damn impossible.
Maybe if you worked out like Gordon does....do jumping jacks for 20 years...
Imagine the workout Gordon gets with all the things he does.

Black Mesa: Constantly running and jumping and shooting obstacles.
AND swimming with some really bad things.

Today: Almost the same^^^^
Hmm, this thread gave me the random thought of WHY HAVEN'T HIS GLASSES BROKEN YET???!!!
I am wondering does Gordon really wear his helmet? Because how could Black Mesa dudes then know it is Gordie everywhere? There were more HEV Suit people.
I am wondering does Gordon really wear his helmet? Because how could Black Mesa dudes then know it is Gordie everywhere? There were more HEV Suit people.

He wrote "I AM GORDON" on his chest with headcrab blood.
He also has awesome leg muscles. Y'know when he takes a floating barrel a few feet underwater? Leg muscles the size of Dog's arm.

Not only are his legs strong, but he also must have a blader the size of a whale. I mean, he went the whole game without emptying himself once! Either he has a big bladder, or there is some kind of build in toilet in that HEV suit.
Because is biological clock was frozen completely. Thats what happens when in statis, occupying a no time zone, so you have no effects from the time around you.
If there's something you can't explain, 'HEV Suit' is the answer to it. Either that or 'a Wizard did it'.
Not only are his legs strong, but he also must have a blader the size of a whale. I mean, he went the whole game without emptying himself once! Either he has a big bladder, or there is some kind of build in toilet in that HEV suit.

Never mind pissing, he hasn't had a drink the entire game
I am wondering does Gordon really wear his helmet? Because how could Black Mesa dudes then know it is Gordie everywhere? There were more HEV Suit people.

yes he does, how could you possible see the HUD information displayed on the bottom? Its on the helmet interface...what else could they be on? his glases? lol
Not only are his legs strong, but he also must have a blader the size of a whale. I mean, he went the whole game without emptying himself once! Either he has a big bladder, or there is some kind of build in toilet in that HEV suit.

You dont have the piss-meter on screen? must have a pirated copy, you hit alt+f4 to empty his bowels.
He does all those things during loading screens. Grabs a bight to eat, take a dump right in the hallway, etcetera.
He does all those things during loading screens. Grabs a bight to eat, take a dump right in the hallway, etcetera.

Gordon must prefer crappy computers running HL2 to fast ones.

Its when people play HL1 non-stop from start to finish on a newer computers that he really struggles from battle fatigue, hunger, thirst, etc
I was playing a game called Half Life 2, and I noticed that when I was swimming, the Gordon guy could hold a gun just fine while swimming the same speed! I thought this game was suppose to have good physics. And to top it off, he can also reload, (using both hands) and it doesn't effect his swimming one bit! How is this possible?

A better question would be how can Gordon swim in such a heavy suit?
V-Man's answer to the HEV Suit questions

I don't think that the Gordon wears a helmet on his HEV suit, because in all the games you never see a helmet anywhere near his HEV suit when he puts it on. As for swimming, he has a little jet propulsion sort of thing on the back of his suit, I'm not sure.
As for the hud though, that's probably the HEV suit jacking into his mind or something like that.
You also don't see gloves on his HEV suit in HL1, but they're clearly there from the first person weapon views.
You know, when you save the game, go to sleep, Gordon goes for a break, has a chat with Alyx, drinks a beer with the combine and Barney, then when you wake up next day, and start playing, Gordon has to go back, and start working. That's it. For the HUD, it's a game. Maybe these stuff are written on the wrist of the suit, just Gordon don't have to look at it always. Whatever.
Maybe the HUD is programmed into his actual eye balls. It's the future, who know's what kind of crazy things they'll be able to do!
You know, when you save the game, go to sleep, Gordon goes for a break, has a chat with Alyx, drinks a beer with the combine and Barney, then when you wake up next day, and start playing, Gordon has to go back, and start working. That's it. For the HUD, it's a game. Maybe these stuff are written on the wrist of the suit, just Gordon don't have to look at it always. Whatever.

Alyx: Hey Gordon, how was your day at work?

Gordon: :< (the player was terrible)

Alyx: Oh good, me too, im gonna go stand over here. . .

Gordon: ?????? :'(
Alyx: Hey Gordon, how was your day at work?

Gordon: :< (the player was terrible)

Alyx: Oh good, me too, im gonna go stand over here. . .

Gordon: ?????? :'(

Alyx: Hey Gordon, how was your day at work?
Gordon: Horrible! The guy's computer was so slow that most of the time, I was just sitting there getting shot, doing nothing. I died at least 20 times today! I would say just kill me now, but then I would just respawn.
It's the future from someone's perspective. :D