Syphon filter :D


Jan 15, 2004
Reaction score
Who remembers good old syphon filter? i recently completed Syphon filter 2 (which i bought again recently) and it brings back fond memories of the origonal game.

seriously, the origonal rocked! sure it was clunky and unresponsive, but that was part of its charm! does anyone remember the first level, with the bank? i remember playing the demo of that and it owned. thats what made me buy the game! the air tazer is the best weapon ever created in the history of man! Fry them! fry them all!

anyway, when i played it i had it i was about 8 or something, so i forgot all the names and thought the story was confusing, but despite the fact i couldnt remember the bad guys name i still had fun doing all the missions like a pro. probally my fave level was the boss battle with the flamer guy, when you had to shoot his backpack to make him explode :)

and only Syphon filter could set two levels (in number 2) on a train without making it boring. bravo!
Spyhon filter was cool, purely for the fact that you could set someone on fire with the tazer. :D Brilliant games. Though I never bothered to check out 3 or 4. The second was better than the first, more varied and a better dificulty curve (the first one got too hard too quickly).
number 4 (the new playstation 2 one) is supposed to be crap. it isnt made by 989 studios, and it has a dodgy death system where there are checkpoints- but when you die, everythng is exactly the same as when you died (so guards you killed after the checkpoints are still dead, objectives still completed, ammo the same as wehn you died) which means is you wanted to complete an optional objective but failed it, you have to restart the whole level... or if you died due to wasting all your ammo, youre f*cked...

3 was good, it had a gallery where you could unlock videos and stuff by playing the gaem :D